Rossmiller stumbles out of the gate and insults Judge Senter

The part of me that has relied on David Rossmiller’s excellent writing on anti-concurrent causation wanted to believe Sop was wrong when he wrote: No comment Nowdy. Rick’s analogy of the prize fight junkie comes to mind and things are heating up in both “Ex Rel” cases. Obviously, it was wishful thinking on my part … Continue reading “Rossmiller stumbles out of the gate and insults Judge Senter”

While Danny Abel collects sanctions right wing nuts from the Northeast promote his lawsuits

I tell you folks, media ignorance mixed with legal jackassery is a deadly combo, just ask Butch Martin and his wife. I mention this because while Danny Abel crashes and burns under the weight of multiple court sanctions and legal malpractice lawsuits a right wing nut from New York named Raquel Okyay is pumping his … Continue reading “While Danny Abel collects sanctions right wing nuts from the Northeast promote his lawsuits”

Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo

A bit over a week ago a print journalist familiar with Slabbed’s coverage of the post Katrina insurance wars sent me this link to a National Underwriter top 10 insurance living legends piece that featured Dickie Scruggs (one notch above true living legend Karen Clark) at the 7 spot.  We used to feature the NU a good bit on Slabbed but that … Continue reading “Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo”

And it all comes tumbling down…..

In late 2008/early 2009 the Nation was captivated by the judicial bribery prosecution of Dickie Scruggs, his son Zach plus the greedy stooges in Tim Balducci and Steve Patterson among others. In a way the genesis of Slabbed lie in those events as Team Insurance, through various shills such as Portland Oregon Lawyer David Rossmiller that took the opportunity … Continue reading “And it all comes tumbling down…..”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.

(Reader Warning: Please put your hip boots on as the bullshit gets deep.) So there I was watching the morning show on WWL early one morning last week with my trusty canine companion when the poor pooch had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of my coffee spew that roughly coincided with airing of … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.”

Let’s "think dirty": James Gill covers the genesis of the River Birch deal. Slabbed gives a plausible answer.

Today James Gill takes a trip down memory lane via a very good column on the history between Henry Mouton, Team River Birch, and former Gov Mike Foster echoing themes found on these pages around a year ago (and then some). What we found is there is really nothing new under the sun as the scam is pretty … Continue reading “Let’s "think dirty": James Gill covers the genesis of the River Birch deal. Slabbed gives a plausible answer.”

“an olive Branch”? Denenea and Branch agree to consolidate qui tam cases – call for decision on Rigsbys’ Allstate claim!

It’s way too late to do more than link the two responses in oppositions to Allstate’s attempt to dismiss ex rel Branch v Allstate, et al and ex rel Denenea v Allstate and quote the pertinent text from both – sorry, but one thing Rossmiller got exactly right is that “work” really is “the curse … Continue reading ““an olive Branch”? Denenea and Branch agree to consolidate qui tam cases – call for decision on Rigsbys’ Allstate claim!”

Judge Walker's clerk read blog to keep up with McIntosh case – a Rigsby qui tam update!

Imagine that!  Judge Walker’s law clerk read Rossmiller’s blog to “keep up with the McIntosh case”! Since there were blog-reading clerks  “working” in the northern district Mississippi federal court when USA v Scruggs, Scruggs and Backstrom was before Judge Biggers, I certainly wasn’t surprised to learn the same was happening here .  The difference between … Continue reading “Judge Walker's clerk read blog to keep up with McIntosh case – a Rigsby qui tam update!”

From the Slabbed mail bag: Stop it Sop! You're making Mikey the Cook Cry!!

Folks the Slabbed mailbag is the gift that keeps on giving today (besides Poldawg) as my last post on Jim Donelon and Mike Chaney aka Jimbo the Clown and Mikey the Cook has evidently hit close to home.  I’ll freely admit the New Media is a concept that is mostly lost on career politicians and their entourage … Continue reading “From the Slabbed mail bag: Stop it Sop! You're making Mikey the Cook Cry!!”

Giving them the Feldman Part 1: Slabbed explores a few earlier cases involving the little guy versus big business in Louisiana's Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie in litigation against big oil to the post Katrina litigation against big insurance.

Everyone has heard the old saying that a leopard does not change its spots and like many idiomatic expressions that its roots in antiquity, it accurately describes the human condition. Judge Feldman’s latest interest conflicted ruling regarding the drilling moratorium and the intense interest therein has opened the flood gates of information flow from the Slabbed Nation.  It was a reader sending … Continue reading “Giving them the Feldman Part 1: Slabbed explores a few earlier cases involving the little guy versus big business in Louisiana's Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie in litigation against big oil to the post Katrina litigation against big insurance.”