On this week’s Louisiana Ethics Administration Docket…

OK folks you know the drill, click the magic link quick because when the docket rolls over it is gone for good. On tap, Tim Whitmer, Dawn Whitmer, Lagniappe Industries and Jennifer Sneed.

Speaking of people formerly connected to Jefferson Parish Government, through time doing Slabbed I’ve heard several ex-employees talk about the rampant speculation about what would go on up on the 10th floor of the Yenni Building, especially during the Coulon Administration.  Coulon’s reputation among the minion was that of a man possessive of a very healthy libido. Some of the stories I’ve been told involve the most unlikely of participants beyond the stable of 10th floor concubines, whom I’m told Parish President John Young has since cleared out.  If walls could talk the stories I imagine they could tell.

Speaking of John Young let’s welcome him in as an official member of the Slabbed Nation’s twitter division along with former Saints great Joe Horn, who is in the barbeque sauce biz these days. We’ve picked up several new tweeps over the past couple of weeks and I’d like to take the opportunity to say howdy to all of you.


6 thoughts on “On this week’s Louisiana Ethics Administration Docket…”

  1. Speaking of PIGS….

    So it's really no surprise, Yenni said, that Landrieu is hosting a $1,000-per person cocktail reception Tuesday at Morton's Steakhouse in New Orleans to benefit Yenni's campaign fund.

    "We've had an open line of communication from Day 1," Yenni said. "He's a hands-on mayor, and I'd like to think I am, also. We've hit it off since Day 1."

    Mitch Landrieu is having a FUNDRAISER for Mike YENNI?
    The epitome of EGO. People are STARVING & HOMELESS in the STREETS
    & these PIGS are throwing dollars at each other?

    Giving money to the poor is charitable,
    Giving it to the rich is SICKENING.


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  3. Hi all…

    Since we're discussing ethics, I have a question:

    If a parish councilmember had his/her car fixed by someone that had numerous contracts with the parish government, would that be a problem??

    I'm sure it is, just want your take on it – readers too.

    You see for some reason, some council people in Plaquemines Parish think ethics violations are ok, because it's not breaking the law, at least that's what they tell their consituents.

  4. Well, PlacqueminesCitizen, let me try to put my "teat" (a small one) in a wringer. I am not aware of a proscription against a Parish employee (actually a State employee) doing business at arms length, such as for car repair, with someone who does business with the Parish (ie., the State). But the issue becomes "complex" when one attempts to discover the underlying facts. (1) Did the politician go to the Parish contractor in an effort to get a "discount" on the car repairs? (2) Was any type of discount given? (3) Even if no discount was given, was the politician attempting to curry favor with the contractor for some type of "kick-back" at a later date? (4) Was any type of kick-back ever given? (5)What is the extrinsic evidence of what was wrong with the politician's vehicle, and was the problem REALLY competently repaired by the contractor for a reasonable repair cost? Personally, if I were the politician (God forbid!), I would go to an auto repair shop that did not do business with the Parish, but if all of these questions were to be answered satisfactorily. I see no problem with it. Ashton O'Dwyer.

  5. And a big "howdy" back to you, Mr. Slabbed, but I've always been aboard.
    Sure wish I'd been up there on the 10th floor during those days…. : (
    No one puts out now. And I've asked just about everyone.
    Even with my new cleaned-up look and all……

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