Let the backstabbing continue. We have a Slabbed must read alert.

This story has tentacles which impacts the local judiciary.  I’m short of time but so far the commenters to Paul Purpura’s story on Derrick Shepherd fighting his corruption conviction from the jailhouse have missed the larger point though I think Shepherd himself gets it in spades now that it is too late.


3 thoughts on “Let the backstabbing continue. We have a Slabbed must read alert.”

  1. IMHO the FBI has little or no respect for the New Orleans USAttorney’s Office. Especially considering Eddie Jordan and his gangstas and now Jimbo Lettenemgo. Mike Magner may well be the exception ( apologies Ashton). History has proven appointees are whores and bureaucrats are like cockroaches- indestructible. My bet is on the FBI.

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