Yup (Part 22): An abbreviated history of Trout Point Lodge’s litigation/libel terrorism

Win or lose it won’t be because I didn’t fight for my constitutional rights. Click to obtain the 154 page pdf:

Perret v Handshoe Doc 20

Additional vital background can be found here.

BREAKING: The Hancock County Alliance for Good Government has issued the following statement

The Hancock County Alliance for Good Government Chairman, Lana Noonan, has been in conversation several times today with the state Auditor’s Office regarding the remarks made by Bay St. Louis Mayor, Les Fillingame, at last night’s City Council meeting.

The Mayor told the Council, while in official session, that officials from the State Auditor’s Office had been in the Bay St. Louis City Hall on Friday, August 29, reviewing the city’s financial records, and found the books to be in great shape with no problems.

The Mayor also stated to the Council that the State Auditor’s officials stated that the city’s independent auditing firm, Wright, Ward, Hatten, and Guel, had greatly over reacted to the city’s finances in their findings.

Today, state auditors, Patrick Dendy and Tom Chain, stated to the Alliance for Good Government that they could make no statements regarding their visit to Bay St. Louis on Friday, August 29, and referred us to Brett Kittredge, Communications Director for the State Auditor’s Office who issued the following statement to the Alliance for Good Government:

The Office of the State Auditor, nor State Auditor Stacey Pickering, have issued any statement of the finances of the city of Bay St. Louis. ~ Wednesday, September 3, 2014. Brett Kittredge–Communications Director–State Auditor’s Office