OK boys and girls, is the protest in Ocean Springs on for Tuesday evening or not?

I’m hearing a lot of chatter about such and would like to gauge interest. Obviously if people gather to let Auditor Pickering know how they feel Tuesday night, such confirmed public interest is certain to attract the media.  Leave your intentions in comments here or email me. Thanks.

Image via wikipedia

Friday Open letter day: A satisfied client endorses Bobby Truitt

I’m a satisfied client as well hence the banner hanging on the right sidebar. The following is from Anne Marie Vandenweghe which I publish for no promotional consideration:

I would point out to any detractors that Bobby Truitt was the only one to man-up in my defense. And I am eternally grateful. No one ( and I mean NO ONE) came forward offering to represent me. Many gave their advice and opinions but none went on the line to represent me. He did the right thing and handled the case as it played out. Period. His client is well satisfied and that is all that matters. To Bobby: Thank you Sincerely and fondly, Anne Marie.

I’d like to add that given the commentary from the legal and related professional communities on the post I did on the topic of the Jefferson Parish litigation settlement amount with Anne Marie Vandenweghe indicated they too think Bobby well represented his client in light of the outcome of the case.

Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following press statement (Updated)

It was with disbelief that I read the details of my Settlement splashed across the page of the local paper ( online and hard copy). I was doubly shocked to discover that the Parish Attorney, Ms. Foshee, was quoted in the article and had allegedly emailed information to the reporter.

It was in fact Foshee and her outside counsel at Phelps Dunbar who insisted on a Confidentialty Clause so her releasing any information is interesting at the least.

Whatever ulterior motives the Parish of Jefferson and/or their representatives harbor, such unprofessional behavior is indicative of what is still very wrong in Parish government.

Whether it violates conditions of the Settlement thus warranting sanctions I leave to my attorney Bobby Truitt to determine.

Update: Parish Attorney Deb Foshee has issued the following response. Continue reading “Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following press statement (Updated)”