Boss Hogg’s Niece Rosemary owes over $350K in unpaid court fines

What can you say folks except this is crony disaster capitalism at its finest.  As I remember Rosemary’s baby, Alcatec LLC also stiffed its employees on overtime pay.

Fines are unpaid in Rosemary Barbour case ~ Maria Recio

Slabbed exclusive: Board resignation at the Land Trust

I’ve learned there has been a resignation from the Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain as a result of the investigation into wrongdoing uncovered in the Department of Interior OIG investigation into spending from the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) program.

To date the Sun Herald has reported on two separate OIG reports on the subject as well as the fact then DMR director Bill Walker used the Land Trust as a financial intermediary to use CIAP funds to buy his son’s property. More recent reporting in the Sun Herald indicate major discrepancies in what Land Trust executive director Judy Steckler initially told the paper as reasons for the purchase versus what the transaction documents actually indicate. It looks and smells bad and there is no way around it.

Old Jefferson Parish salts immediately told me after reading the initial coverage of the DMR scandal that these boards were misled. At the end of this that sage prophesy will be born out.  Slabbed is looking at what the oversight boards are doing today in response to what everyone is learning.  Editorially we’ll continue to call out those that condone the corruption by doing nothing to correct what got us here.