Anne Marie Vandenweghe has issued the following statement

Apparently I have been sued in federal court by Danny Abel. While I have not been personally served it appears they ‘dropped’ service at my residence and are claiming that was sufficient notice to me. Once I have obtained a copy of the petition I will be taking all appropriate legal action available to me. At this time and with the limited information I have I can only state that at no time have I commented using the names Whitmergate, Viewfromhell or Incroyable; and, at no time have I been a ‘co-publisher’ of Slabbed.

DMR Scandal day 99: Danny, I know I’m not that easy…..

Folks, we now have a free for all at DMR as Billy Walker and his co conspirators to the looting of the agency for their personal benefit are finally being thrown under the bus by Interim DMR Director Danny Guice and the embattled Commission on Marine Resources. I mention this because months after Tina Shumate’s double dealing was exposed by the Sun Herald, both her and her political hack sister have finally been let go from DMR. It is not nearly enough.

By all accounts Guice, a career politician, wants the top job at DMR badly thus his conversion into some sort of good government activist.  The Commission on Marine Resources OTOH, have been revealed as simpletons along the lines of the D’Iberville City Council, heaping praise on Walker despite the allegations right up to the bitter end.  Clueless does not describe them, which is why they all need to go as these misdeeds happened on their watch when they were supposed to be providing oversight.  They breached their fiduciary duty to the DMR and that is about the worst thing a board member can do.  It is my hope that any money not recovered from Bill Walker and his band of theives is recovered from the Board members who oversaw the looting of the agency by Walker and his cronies.

And this brings us to the public trust part because now the Commission on Marine Resources is in spin mode pretending to care what the public thinks.  I agree with Gov. Phil that the Commission on Marine Resources should be sunsetted and thus eliminated and such a step would enhance my trust that the Governor is actually interested in cleaning up the mess his coastal crony supporters made at DMR.

This brings me to another board that sorely needs a house cleaning, The Land Trust for the Mississippi Coastal Plain. Continue reading “DMR Scandal day 99: Danny, I know I’m not that easy…..”

Tommy emailed Timmy to see if Timmy2 was OK……

Important to note Tim Coulon had no position in Parish Government in April, 2009.  Of course April 2009 was in the time frame the council was in the process of putting in the fix for River Birch.  Ric?  Rick Buller perhaps??  Vital background can be found here and here.

This document and the entire cache of documents in this series is courtesy of my gabby cousin Slabb O’ Leak.   They contain some of the most damning documents I have obtained to date on the River Birch contract cram down.

Finally folks, as any newspaper person will tell you high quality investigative journalism is not cheap which is why newspapers don’t do much of it in today’s day and age.  If you want to see more of this type stuff, hit that donate button on the right side bar. Thanks and God Bless.

River Birch Coulon Whitmer Capella

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Forget the Constitution – It’s dead, dead, dead

Friday, February 1st, 2013
New York, New York


In the current Second Amendment gun debate, both gun control advocates and those citizens who demand the right to bear arms point to the U.S. Constitution as the source of the justification and support for their opposing beliefs. An interesting difference in interpretation, you may say. But are there really any guaranteed constitutional protections these days? Not according to Supreme Justice Anthony Scalia, perhaps the court’s most conservative member.

In a recent speech at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Scalia was asked if he believed that the Constitution was a “living document.” His blunt response was, “It’s not a living document. It’s dead, dead, dead. And the sad thing is that Scalia is correct. He’s right on the money. For all practical purposes, The United States Constitution is “dead, dead, dead.”

Progressives will argue that in a changing world, there must be a more flexible interpretation of what the founders meant when they wrote the initial document. Is there flexibility in the original document, and shouldn’t it be open to change? Continue Reading……….