What do the New Orleans Saints, Aaron Broussard and Fred Heebe have in common?

Besides Tom Bensen’s prior socio-economic connections to Broussard that is. Simple folks Entercom’s WWL Big 870 Payola Radio.  Coastal Shoring relentlessly advertises there, with Garland Robinette doing some of the voice work for them while taking a so-called $250,000 loan from Fred Heebe, a man who Stephanie Grace wrote an excellent columnn on yesterday as it related to the latest bombshell of Heebe walking away from the Jefferson Parish Landfill contract.  Connecting a corrupt media outlet to the cesspool is nothing new folks as it happens in comments to almost every T-P column written on Heebe anymore and rightfully so.  Robinette is a whore for certain folks but he is also something worse for WWL and everyone that works there including the Cajun Cannon as Garlandfill is also cancer of the type that will end up afflicting everyone associated with the station, which does not operate in the public interest.

I still listen on occasion folks as I have a duty to listen. That said having to listen to Hokie is almost on par with water boarding.  Now when I listen in I try to figure out the non disclosed financial relationships that impacts their content.  And I especially enjoyed Rich Mauti’s heartfelt segment on Jerry Sandusky where he mentioned the failure of our institutions citing the political corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish as an example before he was quickly herded back onto the reservations by Deke Beleiva, who is better than Hokie but still hard to listen to most of the time. Whew that was close one with Mauti eh Deke? Continue reading “What do the New Orleans Saints, Aaron Broussard and Fred Heebe have in common?”