Zach Scruggs files for and gets an appeal.

There has been a fair amount of water go under the USA v Zach Scruggs bridge since I last mentioned it here. While USA v Scruggs no longer captivates the nation the case still attracts local attention including the Sun Herald running Patsy Brumfield’s story on Zach’s appeal this morning. The long story short is Judge Biggers ultimately shot Zach down on the reversal of the guilty plea. Zach now wants to take the issue to the 5th Circuit where I suspect he’ll have less luck than he had with Biggers but Team Scruggs could be setting this whole deal to head to the Supremes though you’d have to rate that as a long shot at this stage of the game.

NMC has been on the latest developments and this post well explained certain aspects of the appeals process. On Friday Judge Biggers granted Zach appeal limited to three issues. Click here for a copy of that order. Click the pic on the left to get a copy of the 30 plus page appeal brief.


Speaking of rapid fire, my hometown of Waveland has gone to hell in a hand basket.

My mind has been elsewhere this week folks but the numerous journalistic dispatches from the normally quiet, blue-collar town tell a tale of a town on the brink of insolvency.  I noted several things from the Sun Herald’s extensive reporting which began the week with news long time police chief Jimmy Varnell had been fired and ending with news that Waveland cut a huge number of city workers.

The reporting was good and Newsome is a good reporter but there are some question that need to be asked here:

1. How far behind is the City in their financial reporting?  This is the real problem despite the different picture painted for the public.  The fact expenses are exceeding income in the month of August is not a big surprise because it should.  Property taxes are paid in large sums in December, January and tapers off after that.  If this is a cash flow problem that implies the city has no financial reserves and if that is the case then someone is not doing their job at City Hall because surprises such as the one sprung this week means basic bookkeeping is not being done. That is the real story guys.  Now how far behind is that audit?

2. Were Tax Anticipation Loans considered?  I noted the local paper had over 30 pages of delinquent property taxes for Hancock County recently.  If property taxes were not realized in accordance with the City levy sent the tax collector the city is allowed to borrow the difference and assess a special levy to retire the debt.  I may have missed it in the reporting but it appears this was not discussed.

The backstories to the goings on in Waveland will prove interesting.  My family has known the Garcia and Varnell families literally going back to 1969 and Hurricane Camille.  It is a shame Jimmy’s employment ended in this way but the Mayor has the right to pick his own folks.  The Taser lawsuits are being cited but I also noted the Sea Coast Echo pulled their sensational reporting on same which included the phrase “nude and tased” in the lede.  If I was a cop and a known schitzo is called in to 911 with a claims he is toting a fire arm I may well be taser happy too.  I say that because you gotta know the people to understand why they were tased.


Matt at Fix the Pumps keeps up the debris in the levee drumbeat. Logs being uncovered not to be confused with Shinola….

Late last month Matt at Fix the Pumps filed part 8 of his series Debris which documents logs being used as levee fill that go well beyond the project specifications.  We’ve been steering readers to this series of posts as the dirt appears to be coming from Team River Birch owned pits and it now appears the problems are most manifested by one contractor.  Matt’s latest installment features reporting from Channel 4 as they and the T-P’s Paul Rioux are feeding well at the table of facts Matt has constructed on his blog.  In fact Rioux’s latest installment on this for the Times Picayune is today’s feature story and is also well worth the read.


File this one under busted! There is a very interesting Op-Ed in the Times Picayune today…

Could it be that the Times Picayune was leaked a court document by the judge involved in a highly publicized case involving an alleged thwarted school shooting in St Tammany?  If so that would be very bad and would not serve the cause of justice IMHO.  Today’s righteously indignant editorial could be found here.  To each his own but if the law is on the side of the journalists here they should have been willing to head to the cooler to keep their sources private.  I don’t blog much on St Tammany but I may shake the tree and see what falls out as the force is telling me there is more to this story than meets the editorial. Here at Slabbed we wouldn’t take a leak from a judge’s chamber as the very notion seems to undermine the concept of justice for all besides creating a needless appealable issue. JMHO.


Play it again Sam: Why legal ethics have important public policy implications as the depths of Ronald Bodenheimer’s depravity is again on display.

All our readers in greater New Orleans well know state judge turned convicted felon Ronald Bodenheimer.  Like so many judges on the bench in Jefferson Parish, Bodenheimer traces his roots to the DA’s office though in the case of Bodenheimer it was former DA John Mamoulides, who’s links to local organized crime are well docuemnted on these pages.  Paul Purpura over at the Times Picayune has an incredible story of a man on death row for murdering his wife with some of the proof being the life insurance policy he took out on her.  After Bodenheimer prosecuted the man for murder for the DA’s office he represented the family on a civil suit against the insurance company in the process arguing diametrically opposing legal arguments from the ones he used to put the murderer, Manuel Ortiz on death row at Angola.  It is a legal conflict of interest that is simply stunning and Paul’s story is well worth the read.

The fact employees of current DA Paul Connick are still allowed to moonlight is stunning IMHO.


File this one under, Thank’s Ben!

Jefferson Parish Council candidate Ben Zahn has sued Walt Bennetti for exposing the fact that Zahn was asleep at the wheel over at the Kenner Convention and Visitors Bureau while some very unsavory financial transactions benefitting insiders were going down.  Walt runs ClickJefferson, is affiliated with the Good Government groups in Jefferson Parish and recently announced his candidacy for the Jefferson Parish Council via New Media/Social Media.  This whole lawsuit reminds me of Chris Robert’s preemptive strike against Tim Baudier just a few months ago in Judge McCabe’s courtroom.

Since we’re free speech alley over here at Slabbed I see this latest development as a traffic generator here and since I don’t make a dime doing this, a guy has got to get his jollies some sort of way and site traffic is it for me.  🙂

Give ’em hell Walt!
