Coming soon on Slabbed: We examine the Times Picayune Trout Point retractions in detail.

It’s never “the crime” but the coverup that often lands people in hot water.  The powers that be hung reporter Rich Rainey out to dry on his reports on Trout Point Lodge. Were those reports libelous and did they defame Charles Leary and the merry group of guys he hangs with? Or is the saber-rattling out of Team Trout Point an attempt to cover some dirty secret?

Slabbed will open the closet door and allow the sun to shine in. Stay tuned.


11 thoughts on “Coming soon on Slabbed: We examine the Times Picayune Trout Point retractions in detail.”

    1. I heard Rich Rainey was under a Trout Point gag order. So yesterday afternoon I picked up the phone and called him and sure enough he said he could not talk about Trout Point period.

      So we’re still left with the question as to why the retraction was run 14 months later on top of the earlier retractions. Somehow I doubt Jim Amoss would be interested in talking about it either.

      That said the Times Picayune’s lawyer Steven Gaynor was kind enough to attach a pdf of one of the retracted stories with his nasty gram to GoDaddy. You know what, I’ve read the story now at least 10 times and I do not find anything actionable in what Gaynor sent.

      Supposedly the dust up was Leary taking umbrage with the implication that Broussard was doing business with him and the girls at Trout Point. Fair enough as there has been no evidence to support that implication but as my link to the Billy Hills Trails Society indicates clearly the men knew each other and mutually worked in their own self interest to promote that entire area and there is nothing wrong with that. So why did Leary break the link and re-update the page to rub it out from the google cache?

      All I can tell you is I think these dates have some significance here:

      March 31 – I posted about Eric Paulsen’s case against State Farm.

      April 7 – The Times Picayune re-retracted their previously retraced reports on Trout Point.

      April 12 – The Times Picayune’s lawyer sends my web host a nasty gram citing a 2-16-11 comment left by Telemachus as being a copyright violator.

      April 18 – GoDaddy pulled the plug on

      Was that retraction on the 7th a prelude to the April 12th Nasty Gram? Certainly Leary and the gang has something to do with this and their heavy handed tactics indicate to me a strong motivation to silence any talk of his and his partner’s prior connections to Aaron Broussard.

      Here is a hint that comes from multiple sources that know these men. Abel, Leary, Perett, Gates and Paulsen share something in common. In fact by all appearances Aaron Broussard would appear to be the piece of that social puzzle that does not fit. Or does he? I’m thinking he does.


  1. members of the krewe of petronius? ……. if everything was on the level i could understand the trout pointers wanting to make it clear broussard had no ownership in the lodge. but, going back to millie ball’s trout point travel piece years ago broussard was mentioned as owning a house at trout point and nothing was said. of course, broussard wasnt under investigation then.

  2. I’m not sure if this has been covered yet.

    Trout Point Lodge principals Vaughn
    Perret and Charles Leary are suing the New
    Orleans publication in Yarmouth Supreme
    Court for over 500 instances of libel, claiming
    a series of January 2010 articles on disgraced
    N.O. politician Aaron Broussard

    1. All I need to do is change the post title from coming soon to coming today. I have this link and have no problem rolling the info out in comments.

      Good stuff huh? This has Abel’s finger prints all over it.


  3. Just re-read the Ask Frank article. It states that the two have applied for Canadian landed immigrant status. Does that mean they are not yet Canadian? Did they even have the necessary status to file in Canada?

  4. from the july 2001 tp travel piece: Perret and Leary met at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. Abel, a native of Lafayette, who grew up working in restaurants, is a longtime family friend of Perret’s. In the early 1990s, they united to start Chicory Farm in Louisiana’s Washington Parish; they grew organic produce, but became better known for their goat cheese and blue cheese, which they sold to restaurants ranging from Commander’s Palace to Gramercy Tavern and Picholine in New York. Abel took a two-year sabbatical from law to run Chicory Farm Cafe, a Creole vegetarian restaurant in New Orleans’ University area.
    In 1998, they shut it all down. Perret’s and Leary’s reasons for leaving Louisiana for a while are personal and complicated, as those things tend to be. They already had bought a place in Nova Scotia and they settled again in Ithaca for the winter, when not traveling or working in Costa Rica on their next place. The partners still are debating the format, whether it’ll be for cooking classes like they sometimes hold at Trout Point or a retreat or whatever, but say it should be ready next January, maybe.
    They opened the cheese dairy on Nova Scotia’s Chebogue Peninsula, and last summer, the lodge. Their mission is simple: Good eating in a wilderness setting. “I came for the wilderness without camping,” said Marsha, of the Boston art gallery. “I’ve never been anywhere else like this,” said a guest from Maine. “It’s a true retreat.”
    Abel is the steadying glue — – and a good evangelist. The guys won’t name names, but the 200 acres have become a haven for some prominent New Orleans and Jefferson residents.
    “Mr. Broussard was up here last week with his son,” said a construction worker outside a brand new lakeside home I checked out on my walk. “Mr. Broussard?” “Aaron,” he said, as in Jefferson Parish Council chairman. “This is his house.”
    And “Miss Marie’s” house over there, that would be Miss Marie . . . ? Listening carefully to his garbled pronunciation, I came up with “Marie Krantz?” “Yes, that’s her,” he said. As in the Fair Grounds’ Marie Krantz.
    Wendell Gauthier is an investor, though he’s never been here. New Orleans attorney Peter J. Butler Jr. said on the phone he invested as a 2 percent partner, and plans to visit for the first time next October. “We hope to make money, but if we don’t, I hear it’s a nice place to visit.”

  5. Interesting to see Broussard & Abel on the Lips appeal.
    A few years ago someone in Parish Administration was pushing hard for Code Enforcement to harass Jay Lip’s son who was doing business using a similar “American Eagle Door’ name (as in the appeal) in competition with Lips Sr. The intervention was rammed through on behalf of Lips Sr probably by Aaron & Tom Wilkinson and probably through Tom’s favorite “go-fer”; Debbie Villio at Code Enforcement.

    To paraphrase the promo for an old TV show: “This is only ONE of the eight million stories in the Naked Parish”!

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