Jim Brown

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Sarah Palin brought her indomitable road show to my hometown of Baton Rouge this week with the flair and the chutzpah of a larger than life personality, which she just might be. Security was tight at the local Books-A-Million, and the crowd of over 1000 was given strict instructions of what it could, and could not do. From the way her entourage carried on, on you would have thought she was trying to be like Louisiana’s own, Governor Bobby Jindal.

Jindal, for the benefit of you readers outside Louisiana, has set a standard for inaccessibility that is unmatched in Louisiana history. As is the case in most states, Governors in general are openly available public officials. A few, like the Governor of South Dakota, even answer their own home phones. Stories are legendary in Louisiana of average citizens just showing up at the Governor’s office, or even the Governor’s mansion, asking for help, or even just to pay a visit. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour receives accolades from locals in his home state for being easily available to the press and the general public. Jindal has taken the opposite approach.

When the Louisiana Governor is making a speech, even in the far reaches of the state, the Baton Rouge press corps complains that they are often given only a few hours notice, if any notice at all. The national press gains easy accessibility to Jindal where the locals, at best, get a self-serving quote from a staff member – an approach similar to the one taken by Palin back home in Alaska.

I live just a short walk from Books-A-Million, so I decided to mosey on over to check out the Sarah phenomena. I read Palin’s first book, Going Rogue, which came out last year. Yes, it was an easy read, but you know what? I learned a lot.

First of all, it was no surprise that Sarah didn’t actually write the book.  Few celebrities do these days.  Writing a book of personal experiences is a long and drawn out labor of love as I know from my own experiences, both as a writer and a publisher. The breezy Palin memoir was written by former Bush speech writer, Lynn Vincent, but there are still enough “you betchas” in the book to give it the lady’s special Alaska flavor.

Wanting to read all the juicy tidbits first, I immediately went to the index to get an idea of what Palin listed as being of particular importance.  Surprise!  There is no index in Palin’s first book.  Nor is there an index in her new book. So there was no choice for me but to wade on through.  I did make a few page number notations so I could share with you, my loyal readers, some of the more relevant parts of the book — key words that should wet your appetite for more.

First, a stop on page 102 is a “must read,” just for the lyrical prose:  “As the soles of my shoes hit the soft ground, I pushed past tall cottonwood trees in a euphoric cadence, and meandered through willow branches that the moose munched on.”  Faulkner would have been impressed.

During the campaign, there were questions of Palin’s reading habits.  Who can forget her non answer when Katie Couric asked her what she liked to read.  She cleared up any uncertainty in her new book by listing cookbooks (p. 15), Reader’s Digest (P.15), Sports Illustrated (P. 27), The Wonderful World of Oz (p. 16), and my favorite, Ranger Rick (p. 27).

Then, of course, there is Palin’s vivid description on page 302 of praying in the shower with Rev. Rick Warren.  I kid you not.  OK, maybe I inferred too much.  She was in the shower when the California Evangelist called, so she pulled in the phone to join him in prayer.

And  food?  She makes no bones about how she loves and cooks Alaskan edibles.  Her specialties include halibut tacos (p. 1), reindeer sausage (p. 1) and caribou lasagna (p. 218). She recounts how on the day she got married “we stopped by the Wendy’s drive-thru for our wedding dinner.” (p. 49).  Palin also makes it quite clear that “I love meat,” particularly “the seared fatty edges of a well-done steak.”  (p. 18).  She follows this homily with one of the book’s deeper and more poignant quotes:  “If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat? ” (p. 133) Nuf said.

So after getting a taste of these and other Palin homilies, you can imagine my enthusiasm to join the throng of Sarah diehards marching on my local bookstore. But before getting near the store entrance, I was confronted by a team of guards who spelled out the rules. There was a list of requirements for anyone who wanted Sarah’s autograph on her book.

To be allowed admission to Palin’s book signing, you had to have a wristband. But to get one, you had to show up two days before, on Sunday, and be one of the first 500 in line.

On book signing day, you had to show up one hour in advance, with a copy of Sarah’s book to be allowed to get in line. No photos or video of any kind were allowed, and all cameras and cell phones had to be checked outside the bookstore.

Look, this was a real labor of love to stand there for hours and go though all these procedures just to get a book signed. The process was similar to visiting a relative in prison, or maybe waiting to see Kim Kardashian. But as much as I would have liked to visit with Sarah, the hoops you had to go through were just a little too much for me. So with some reluctance, I walked back home.

Now, like I said, I live just a stone’s through away from the bookstore. So when I got home, I decided to climb up on my roof. It’s flat, with a full view of the shopping center where the bookstore is located. And then it dawned on me. We have a common bond, this lady and I. Remember back during the campaign when she was asked about her foreign policy experience? She said she could see Russia from her house. Well guess what! I can see Sarah from my house! Pretty cool, huh? “You betcha.”


”Only dead fish go with the flow.”

—Sarah Palin, quitting her job as governor, July 3, 2009

Peace and Justice

Jim Brown

Jim Brown’s syndicated column appears each week in numerous newspapers and websites throughout the South. You can read all is past columns and see continuing updates at www.jimbrownusa.com. You can also hear Jim’s nationally syndicated radio show each Sunday morning from 9 am till 11:00 am, central time, on the Genesis Radio Network, with a live stream at http://www.jimbrownusa.com. The show is televised at http://www.justin.tv/jimbrownusa.

8 thoughts on “Jim Brown”

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Sarah Palin is nothing more than good looking trailer trash. Her highest and best use remains as a model for Playboy Magazine cause there isn’t much sign of life above the neckline with her. JMHO.


  2. I agree with Sop wholeheartedly. I would say it’s scary, but it’s really more amusing that this reality TV star could become president. Obama’s doing a shitty job. Bush did a shittier job. But at least Obama is smart. Palin is dumb like Bush. Old man Bush was/is pretty smart.

    The fact that Palin even can be mentioned in the same sentence as the word “President” is a testament to the Paris Hilton/Kim Kardashian Country we live in. If you are good-looking and/or rich and have an “in your face” personality, success does not require any modicum of talent or brains. It only requires that you look good and let cameras video the better part of your personal life.

    There should be two tests required for all candidates for Congress/President. One would be just like the admissions tests for doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. The “Candidate Test” should be as rigorous as the aforementioned (funny lawyer word) exams and require the applicant to have a pretty expansive knowledge of our Country’s history, as well as domestic and foreign issues, Supreme Ct. cases, etc. The second test should be a basic IQ test. We’ll be generous and make the cutoff @ 125.

    Then we would make running our Country more about brains and qualifications than about good looks and screaming.

  3. “Well, there are just more of them than there are of us” – decades-old words of wisdom from my mother – as applicable to the “trailer trash flash” of today as they were to the “redneck” she had in mind back then.

  4. Wow, Sock. Very well said. Although I am a member of the elephant party, I could not agree with you more.

  5. I agreee with Sock there should be qualifications for candidates as long as w we apply standards to voters as well.

    People said Ronald Reagan was stupid before he became of our best presidents.

  6. I doubt Ronald Reagan would get the GOP nomination for dog catcher these days Sup. His policies when he was Gov of California included spending money the state didn’t have and he advocated on behalf of a rational immigration policy. My how times have changed eh?

    For the record I don’t think Palin is stupid as much as she is ignorant.


  7. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooowwwwwweeeeee Ok Jim Brown, now there are three of us with things in common as I could see Sarah the other day when she was at Barnes and Noble on Veterans from the top of the rain forest on Airline. My elderly uncle even got a “woody on”, that lasted almost four hours, after he saw her. So Sop, you are right she is Hugh Hefner “meat” for real. How about a book signing at Hefner’s Mansion so unc’ can see her in a polka dot bikini? Second thought, better not , I wouldn’t want to take unc’ to the emergency room with his persistent problem. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooowwwweeeeeeeee

    Keep the Viagra away from yo po uncle, lest he develop a perpetual woody, attract termites, & lose any chance for romance in one fell swoop.

    Had he died before becoming PRESIDENT, there wouldn’t be so many people having to PEE in a CUP.

    Of course these POLITICAL PIGGIES are inaccessable. They don’t have the substance necessary to hold a spontaneous conversation, write their own book, or voice an original thought.

    REALITY : GOVERNMENT & organized religion have consistently caused destruction & been the downfall of Society throughout history. The United States Governent works in concert with the church to oppress free thought & inhibit individuality.

    They designate the criminals & the sinners.

    I break at least 5 laws just waking up in the morning! (I’ve stopped counting the so-called SINS)

    They are the monkey on the taxpayer’s back! (No offense GEORGE)

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