Connecticut-County-Club crackup doesn’t compare to the Louisiana crackup

Until recently, the closest thing Connecticut experienced to an overturning of the political order, at least in modern times, was the revolt over a state income tax in the early 1990s. So incensed were the voters then that they replaced their moderate governor, the former longtime senator Lowell Weicker, with a more conservative career politician, a three-term congressman named John Rowland. Take that, status quo!

That, however, was before Rowland and a small cadre of other Connecticut officeholders were hauled away to prison on corruption charges; before Democrats ousted Joe Lieberman from the party only six years after they nominated him for the vice presidency; before the politicians in Hartford blew a hole the size of Long Island Sound in the state budget. As I watched McMahon’s hopeful supporters file out of the ballroom clutching their tote bags, I found myself wondering: when, exactly, did genteel Connecticut become Louisiana? And if politics could get this weird here, then what did that mean for the rest of the country?

Louisiana is a class of its own in terms of the politically weird and corrupt!   However, Matt Bai’s NYT story on Connecticut’s first lady of wrestling and aspiring Senator, Linda McMahon,  indicates the state wants to be a contender.  Nonetheless, as long as it’s weird for a candidate to have “ponytailed, R.V.-size son-in-law”, Connecticut will remain a wannabe Louisiana.  Bai, I gather, didn’t follow news on the BP Gulf Oil disaster.  Otherwise, he would know that Louisiana has R.V.-size politicians holding public office – but I digress and Bai’s story is a great read: Continue reading “Connecticut-County-Club crackup doesn’t compare to the Louisiana crackup”

And now a word from our sponsors…..

Only cops talk that way. If they’d been wiseguys, I wouldn’t have heard a thing. I would’ve been dead.

Didn’t matter. It didn’t mean anything. When I was broke, I’d go out and rob some more. We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking. And now it’s all over.

And that’s the hardest part. Today everything is different; there’s no action…

For our new readers and long time ones wanting a handy reference guide I consider this post to be our best work on the River Birch Landfill.  We have a good background piece on Fred Heebe here and his wife Jennifer Sneed Heebe here.  Additional resources on “Gretna Style” politician Chris Roberts along with DA Paul Connick’s Bro Dutchie Connick Continue reading “And now a word from our sponsors…..”

What a catch! The Rendon Group lands Frank Trapp, files Motion to Intervene in Rigsby qui tam

A notice of appearance filed by Jackson attorney Frank Trapp representing The Rendon Group leads the new “news” on the docket for ex rel Rigsby v State Farm.  Trapp,  known to long-time SLABBED readers as the attorney who represented Sid Backstrom in USA v Scruggs, is a much admired Jackson lawyera catch for Rendon well worth the wait.

Of course, if not for State Farm’s continued “dickin’ around” about the seal and related attempt to remove the Court’s protection from certain deposition testimony, The Rendon Group would have no need for local counsel:

On July 29, 2010 and August 2, 2010, State Farm deposed The Rendon Group, Inc. (“TRG”). ([698] at 1.) During the course of that Rule 30(b)(6) deposition, counsel for TRG invoked this Court’s [406] Consent Protective Order and designated certain portions of TRG’s testimony by John Rendon as “Protected Information,” subjecting it to heavy restrictions with respect to use and disclosure. See ([406] Consent Prot. Order at ¶3) (describing restrictions on Protected Information).

However, the good neighbor apparently just can’t zip it up and, as a result, Trapp filed a Motion to Intervene on Rendon’s behalf:

State Farm’s motions raise two important issues affecting TRG’s interests:

(a) First, the excerpts from the Rendon deposition to be filed in support of State Farm’s pending Motion to Dismiss contain very substantial testimony that has no bearing whatever on the one issue involving TRG that State Farm raised in its motion: whether the Rigsbys violated the seal order by communicating information about this litigation to TRG, or through TRG to the media. Instead, State Farm has submitted deposition testimony that has no relationship whatever to potential seal violations, and that relates in many instances to matters that only occurred after the seal order was vacated on August 1, 2007. Continue reading “What a catch! The Rendon Group lands Frank Trapp, files Motion to Intervene in Rigsby qui tam”

More coverage of the FBI raid on River Birch and the Heebe house on St Charles Ave

The Channel 4 report from yesterday’s 6 PM newscast:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.968856&w=425&h=350&fv=]

The Wino emailed me with news that the opulent residence of Fred and Jennifer Heebe was also visited by the G men yesterday as well.
