Jon Stewart examines the media handling of the McChrystal story

Hat Tweet Erster aka Mark at the Lens via Barry Ritholtz at the Big Picture all of whom grace our blogroll. The answer to the question why does the news media sit on good information is answered by a reporter in the segment while the folks at Fox and Friends beclown themselves.

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A blessed Sunday to all.


Is award winning editorial cartoonist Tim Lockley a member of the Slabbed Nation?

Slabbed reports you decide. (H/T Mrs Sop from today’s Sun Herald print edition)

Did I say award winning? Team Sun Herald did very well at the Mississippi Press Association’s recent annual award ceremony. Included in that Continue reading “Is award winning editorial cartoonist Tim Lockley a member of the Slabbed Nation?”

The Sun Herald excoriates Boss Hogg on their editorial page for putting politics over his people

I pegged the problems with both Haley “Boss Hogg” Barbour and Phil “lawnmower fumes” Bryant yesterday on this post. Today, the Sun Herald takes their turn in an excellent piece that well sums up the problems including Barbour hiding the fact that Petit Bois Island has been slicked for 2 weeks now as Boss Hogg and his side kicks Deputies Enos and Cletus evidently tried hushing it up in a last gasp attempt to salvage what little credibility they had left on the coast. Here is an excerpt:

What happened offshore at the 30-mile and 10-mile lines of defense? What happened to the assurances that oil would be spotted and stopped long before it threatened either the Sound or the sand?

And why, with more than two months to gear-up for this possibility, were officials still scrambling for gear at the last minute?

Why did it take such a crude awakening to shatter the daydreams of Gov. Haley Barbour and others entrusted with the safety of South Mississippi? Continue reading “The Sun Herald excoriates Boss Hogg on their editorial page for putting politics over his people”

Slabbed takes a second stab at explaining why clean impartial courts are important to everyone.

I mentioned earlier in a comment that I was practically overwhelmed with emails of late.  All were very respectful but several were like this one from a disturbed regular reader that asked:

Doug: Your “battle royale” with Feldman is “interesting”, but I’m not sure why you’ve stuck your neck out so far. If things are as “bad” as you believe them to be (and I’m not sure they are since we have only “limited” information since 2008), then won’t USDOJ and The White House go into an attack mode? Maybe I don’t understand, but don’t you BENEFIT from enjoining the moratorium? I know we all have to be “principled”, but don’t commit suicide.

Before I share the gist of my answer I think I need to share a little bit more about myself and how my previous life experiences translates into this highly successful project called Slabbed.

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are

Until Hurricane Katrina all my blogging was confined to the Yahoo finance boards, a strange and at times wonderous place where retail investors, money managers, corporate executives and paid shills come together. Blogging there means there is money on the line every time you press the post button.  After I ventured into individual equities in 2002 I had a good bit of luck early on playing certain publicly traded construction companies including one that had a special run. I followed all the rules and the sage advice from the talking heads and I scoured the SEC filings of the companies in which I invested. Continue reading “Slabbed takes a second stab at explaining why clean impartial courts are important to everyone.”