The end of the mystery……..and Alex the answer is: Who is Elizabeth Birnbaum

I frankly never got why MMS was a daily visitor as our oil spill blogging has been far exceeded by our blogging about corrupt local politicians. Once again did Mr CLS solve the mystery? Nowdy I just can’t place that last name.  😉

Speaking of mysteries I really am loath to link right wingnut Glenn Beck but even a broke clock is right twice a day so let’s welcome Barack and Chicago based Shore Bank which will gladly pay you Tuesday for a bailout today.

Hopefully you MMS people stick around with us. I’m actually MMS positive because I’ll be able to use you folks for compare and contrast.

I’ll have something soon on the oil spill. Meantime check out our good friend Editilla over at the New Orleans Ladder who has all the spill links coupled with the insight and perspective of local.
