Commissioner of Public Safety goes mute!

While the Lt. Governor speaks with a silver boot in his mouth, Mississippi’s Commissioner of Public Safety has gone mute – or, as the Sun Herald speculated in yesterday’s editorial “Where, oh, where is Stephen Simpson, Commissioner Simpson’s “gone missing”.

Has anyone seen Stephen Simpson lately? He’s commissioner of public safety for the state of Mississippi.

He was going to come by the Sun Herald on Tuesday. He said he wanted to meet with us and view the video of Sun Herald photographer John Fitzhugh taken last week at Mary Mahoney’s restaurant.

Fitzhugh was forced out of Mahoney’s courtyard and then ordered off a public sidewalk by some of Simpson’s employees at the direction of the governor’s press secretary. Part of that activity was caught on camera.

Maybe the state police should form a posse to go out looking for their boss.

So if you spot the commissioner, tell him we’re still here, the more than half-dozen of us who waited around for him for more than an hour, wondering what misfortune might have delayed or incapacitated him.

Even Simpson’s press secretary said he didn’t know what his boss was up to.

Hasn’t called.

But Simpson stood us up.

Never showed.

This editorial represents the views of the Sun Herald editorial board, which consists of President-Publisher Glen Nardi, Vice President and Executive Editor Stan Tiner, Opinion Page Editor B. Marie Harris, Associate Editor Tony Biffle, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Flora S. Point and Marketing Services Director John McFarland. Opinions expressed by letter writers, columnists and cartoonists are their own.

Slabbing the editorial board of the Sun Herald is not likely to result in the endorsement Simpson will want should he follow through on his plans to seek state-wide office.  Not a smart move by the Commissioner!

2 thoughts on “Commissioner of Public Safety goes mute!”

  1. Nowdy, I’m not going to say that’s he’s in Brazil with his girlfriend (I’m sorry I can’t remember her name) because I don’t know that for a fact. Maybe some one should call up that Carolina governor, he might be able to help ya’ll. But where ever he is, he’s not in Mississippi where he’s suppose to be, or, he is in Mississippi some place where he shouldn’t be. Who knows, these kind of people are so arrogant, they believe some spin doctor will make it all go away. At least ya’ll have a newspaper that will own up to whose on the Editorial Board !

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