"Broach"ing the subject – with TheRiot it's all a matter of priorities

We all have priorities. Right? Consequently, we all know how frustrating it is to have something more urgent pop-up and move to the top of the list. Right.  Instead of boring you with a whine about what popped-up that caused me to miss this column at the first of the week, I’ll adjust my priorities and move straight to Steve Theriot’s lawsuit? LOL: Drew Broach:

Steve Theriot, IMHO, must be the ultimate multi-tasker.

Four months into his interim stint as Jefferson Parish president, he’s sweeping out the corruption of the Aaron Broussard regime, averting a fiscal crisis, lobbying the Legislature and pushing back an oil leak that threatens the West Bank.

Now he’s suing his critics, too.

Does the man ever let up?

Really, it’s hard to imagine a more aggressive political executive than one who uses public money to haul a website operator into court in hopes of outing anonymous online detractors. But that’s just what Theriot’s lawsuit against “John Does 1 through 100” seeks on behalf of Jefferson Parish and himself. (The website is NOLA.com, which is affiliated with this newspaper.)

The defendants, says Mr. Multi-tasker’s suit, “have published numerous messages containing false and defamatory statements … which have seriously harmed plaintiffs’ reputation and standing in the community.”

It demands not just the trolls’ identities but damages, too. In other words, Theriot is spending public money at the lawyerly rate of $225 per hour to extract money from private individuals — all to restore the honor and purse of the government and its chief executive.

Theriot can be forgiven his tin ear. A former legislator, he hasn’t held elected office since 2004.

But surely he has more important things to do running the government of Louisiana’s most populous parish than to snuff out online opposition. (emphasis added)

His explanation is that, notwithstanding the lawsuit’s language, he’s really not out to silence the growing mob. What Theriot says he’s trying to do is to harvest good tips from the likes of watchout40, repentingamigo and prayerwarrior2 about wrongdoing inside the administration.

He’s conducting his own investigation, see? And he needs their help.

The tipsters may be forgiven for asking, “With friends like Steve Theriot … ?”

I’ve been wondering about TheRiot’s priorities myself.  Understandably, he’d would be at his computer after midnight given – but I would have expected him to be pecking a way at a plan to get the upper hand on the pressing problems of the Parish, not his Letter to the Editor of the Times Picayune time-stamped at 1:44am this morning.

Poor man, he’s let someone convince him what he reads in blog comments is false.  Frankly, it would be a better use of his time to demand proof from whoever is whispering those sweet nothings in his ear than make a fool of himself chewing up the words of  his lawsuit and spitting them out in excuse after excuse for his inexcusable act.

LMAO, too, Drew – and so are a lot of others.

13 thoughts on “"Broach"ing the subject – with TheRiot it's all a matter of priorities”

  1. Nancy Drew’s not so subtle insinuation that AMV was STILL guilty of blogging on company time is what pissed me off. Hey, Nancy, your blow buddy Steve already conceded that it just wasn’t so. Quit re-writing history, you hack!

  2. Now IAAMANGRY, you know Nancy Drew can’t write. And I’d guess he doesn’t have much of a grasp of history either. So Nancy Drew re-writing history?! Now that has me ROTFLMAO.

    Nancy Drew is the worst kind of sycophant: the weasel who slithers up to whomever seems to be gaining the upper hand and tries to insinuate himself into their good graces or become one of the boys in that group.

    After 20 plus years of doing the bidding of the likes of Ward, Sneed, Heebe, Gruntz and so many other nauseating government minions, Nancy Drew is as complicit as any of them. Hiding behind the noble defense of responsible journalists is not in the cards for him. The Times Picayune should fire him immediately. His irresponsible editing and poaching of real news hounds work is despicable. His pandering to the politically connected, riche and nouveau riche is nauseating.

    He doesn’t deserve to be called Nancy Drew. That is a slur on that fictitious heroine.

    Jim Amoss, Ashton Phelps III or IV or V or whatever number you are on now…get rid of this sorry excuse for an editor. Your people despise him and ridicule him with good reason. Before you end up in the same quagmire as JP get rid of Broach. He is a liability.

  3. I’ll admit to being a bit confused by this column when it first ran but I think I may have figured it out. I think Broach is laughing for another reason and his use of the qualifier “if” could mean something other than framing the story a bad way.

    In Bob Dylans time the answer was blowing in the wind. Today the answers are already here on Slabbed.

    Get ready Slabbed nation because I’m fixing to tie a bunch of stuff together on Theriot and this whole saga.


  4. ok sop I trust you but the boy did call bloggers and commenters ‘trolls’. Did I miss something in blogging/commenting school or is that an insult? Or is he just so socially inept that he says the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong people? Oh not that is TheRiot…got them confused for a moment. How DOES Nancy Drew coif his do?

  5. ‘Tis ain’t the first time I’ve been called a troll Unslabbed. In fact I’ve been called far worse. After all the time I’ve been doing this there isn’t much along those lines that gets to me.

    Plus we dish it out pretty good too. 😉


  6. Well, I guess I blew it with my “fiddling while Rome burns” take on the column. I will add, that like Sop, I see a pattern emerging and believe there may be more to this message than meets the eye.

  7. My apologies to the “real” Nancy Drew. She actually had investigative skills whereas….

  8. Interesting links

    “But the really good manager knows how to change their behavior: with praise where warranted, counsel where needed and corrective action when nothing else works”

    Gee is Mr. Broach making a statement…or perhaps giving advise?

  9. IMAANGRY, there are other possibilities than our little detective. Have you ever read “Letters from a Nut” ? Well the author’s last name is Nancy. Hmmmmmmmm. Or possibly it could be the slang, Nancy, to describe an effeminate man, one who may be a hairdresser. The real Nancy Drew was a sleuth uncovering crime, while our Nancy Drew is defaming and slandering people who expose wrong doing that Herr Theriot still refuses to investigate.

  10. oowee Hurry Sop — tie a bunch of stuff together on TheRiot cause my parrot friend said he saw Elvis with white hair carrying a big net last nite walking around the rainforest calling out,”Monkeys want some big nanas”?oowee

    1. The banana is in the pot I repeat…. 😆

      Check back just after midnight George. IMHO the post will become one of our bell cow posts on the scandal right up there with the Eau de Landfill series. I hope the slabbed nation agrees.


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