BREAKING: AROD remains a free man. Magistrate Hays imposes more conditions on his pre trial release. UPDATED

I just got in from Jackson and received the news.  Either Nowdy or I will be back to update this post with more specifics. Magistrate Hays exhibited a quality of mercy that was not anticipated here at Slabbed and in doing so well served the cause of justice IMHO.



The docket entry is a form with a handwritten note modifying the conditions of Ashton’s pre-trial release:

Prohibit access to the Courthouse unless accompanied by his attorney or a representative of the FPD office.

Not exactly what I had in mind when I selected “you’ll never walk alone” but Sop certainly can’t say this outcome was totally unanticipated since Ashton won’t be walking to the Courthouse alone.  I’m just glad I went in that direction instead of suggesting the Magistrate might consider “Duct tape is no substitute for a baby sitter“.


3 thoughts on “BREAKING: AROD remains a free man. Magistrate Hays imposes more conditions on his pre trial release. UPDATED”

  1. Now that’s an infringement (big time) on someone’s liberties and rights regarding freedom, access to the Courts, judicial system, and EVERYTHING guaranteed by the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc…to prohibit someone’s RIGHT to enter a courthouse (w/o a babysitter) is, in my opinion, WRONG. I don’t care what the circumstances are (unless, of course, they involve something like terrorism).


  2. Not only would I make sure someone was with me but that they also carry a camcorder and a voice activated pocket tape recorder for myself.

    In-fighting can get pretty nasty! They listen in on him & monitor his every movement, so when in the lions den keep your motor running as they say keep some spare tapes along also as court usually runs long.

    Seems like they know there is opposition to what has & is taking place, just out cool them.

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