Now This Baby is the Entire Slab of Beef

Today Greenlee’s office filed this whopper of a legal pleading with the court, 322 pages-11 MB’s worth of lip smacking palate pleasing Mississippi beef. Greenlee doesn’t start off the feed with a stinking frue-frilly appetizer either. Check out this sizzle on page 1 in the footnotes:

(1) Employees of The Facility Group have admitted The Facility Group overbilled the number of hours the employees worked; (2) False time sheets were discovered, which evidenced The Facility Group cooked the books to back up the false hours; (3) The Facility Group, Continue reading “Now This Baby is the Entire Slab of Beef”

AG Hood and the State Farm settlement – by the record

No way the ink had time to dry on the AG’s press release announcing the State Farm settlement before the naysayers started chiming it – perplexing to some; not news to others; and, then, this morning we have an Anita Lee with a story quoting Commission Chaney saying the credit goes to George Dale!

With just 21 more lawyer-shopping days until the statue of limitations expires and 148 of the slabbed with policyholders claims added in the settlement, let’s take the major points in Hood’s press release; compare them with the record, and clear up the past so we can focus on the issues of the present.

Attorney General Jim Hood announced the settlement of the state’s breach of contract suit against State Farm, which was filed after State Farm refused to comply with a January, 2007, Hinds County Chancery Court settlement

The breach of contract suit was filed June 11, 2007. We’ve transferred the Statement of Fact into a timeline format that will, hopefully, make it easier to understand what took place from January and June.

With this background in place, let’s move to the contested statement in the press release. Continue reading “AG Hood and the State Farm settlement – by the record”

News from the "Buttheads" at FEMA

Is this our disaster recovery agency or is FEMA just a disaster? OK fellow slabbers pray another storm doesn’t hit because FEMA is already figuring out how not to pay for governmental reconstruction. Becky Mowbray filed this story with the Times Picayune:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency says that local governments, schools and hospitals in Louisiana won’t get as much help from the government in paying for pricey deductibles on insurance policies in future storms as they did during Hurricane Katrina.

In a May 29 memo to disaster assistance directors around the country, FEMA says that it will reduce payment of a future insurance deductible in a storm by whatever amount of money it paid toward an insurance deductible after Katrina or Rita.

For example, if FEMA reimbursed a museum for a $5 million insurance deductible after Katrina, and the museum now has an insurance policy with a $7 million insurance deductible, the maximum the agency would pay in a future storm is $2 million. Continue reading “News from the "Buttheads" at FEMA”