And while Mr Young is busy preparing to release the evaluation of the River Birch contract……..

Slabbaleaks is preparing to release proof Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee has more than a passing interest in the financial success of the River Birch landfill.  I’ll add we’ve consistently been told several elected parish officials feed from the River Birch trough which would explain the Parish government’s fondness for the landfill, which was recently subjected to an old-fashioned FBI raid.  To further whet our readers appetites I’ll add the info I have on Lee is not “shit storm” I promised to roll out.  🙂

Meantime today our readers can watch John Young try to spin “the fix” via this story from the T-P’s Paul Rioux, whereby paying a dollar more per ton for trash disposal somehow results in savings, at least according to River Birch spokesman Glenn Smith, who must be subbing for the DA’s brother, Dutchie Connick in that role.  Smith and the River Birch people have evidently seen the report, despite the fact the Parish Attorney’s office initially said no to the T-P’s request for same citing pending litigation against Waste Management.

And the beat goes on…..


Now that the Waste Management nuke has detonated, let’s explore the radioactive fallout.

The answer my friends is clearly on the Slab, as SupaSleuth indeed lives up to the moniker. So I put some of the names up in the post tag but those wanting all the skinny regarding some of the allegations Waste Management levied against Parish Government for double dealing should check out the Sleuth’s comment here. Great stuff my man.

Also Whitmergate wrote a guest post for us back in June which touched on the same subject.

Tom Capella is in the post tags because there is a Capella in this woodpile maybe 2. I think most everyone understands the significance of Bob. Adams and Reese because of the Coulon lobbying connection.

I feel safe in saying everyone that matters is reading this post. Additional color in comments about Bordelon and his relationship with Lagasse along with the Capellas mucho appreciated in the greater Slabbed Nation.


Putting in the fix for Riverbirch and the landfill's diverse ownership. Slabbed examines the Parish's suit against Waste Management

Our readers make Slabbed the good read and this post is no different as it comes courtesy of reader tips and reader assisted research. As much as I’d like to take all the credit for our Jefferson Parish coverage I can’t though I greatly appreciate the highly complimentary comments on our coverage that were left on the last Rich Rainey story on the landfill for the Times Picayune (which now appear to have been deleted), that we profiled here. Before we get to the lawsuit lets first address an insightful comment made by our friend from the jungle Curious George on the process, specifically the CPA firm hired to analyze the River Birch contract:

However, it is the subjective analyzer who can give false numbers to an honest CPA which will result in misleading conclusions and intentional fraud.

George nailed it because in an Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement only the assertions specified by management will be examined by the CPA. Thus how the question is asked is an important determinate of the answer. For example let’s pretend River Birch’s tipping fees was actually a dollar a ton cheaper than Waste Management instead of the other way around. If the question is “Does the River Birch contract contain cost savings over Waste Management?” The obvious answer is yes. Also suppose the landfill in St Bernard was $5/ton cheaper but was never considered by the Parish Council, is River Birch really the best deal? The answer is no but the question wasn’t whether the Parish’s taxpayers got the best deal. In short folks, the devil is in the details with the CPA review.

In this installment of As the Landfill Turns we’ll take a look at the Parish’s lawsuit against Waste Management, the purpose of which is to clear Waste Management out of the way so Butch Ward and company at River Birch could belly up to the taxpayer trough. The suit also helps us add Continue reading “Putting in the fix for Riverbirch and the landfill's diverse ownership. Slabbed examines the Parish's suit against Waste Management”