No music but here’s Porteous’ Motion listing those he wants available to sing for the Senate

Following the brief overview of Senate Prepares for Trial of Federal Judge from via the ABA Law Journal, you will find the Porteous’ Motion for Authority to Issue or, Alternatively, Assistance in Issuing, Deposition Subpoenas and Request for Expedited Consideration that I posted on Scribd after receiving a copy from Sop. One of the … Continue reading “No music but here’s Porteous’ Motion listing those he wants available to sing for the Senate”

I think by now most everyone knows that Tom pOrteous sons have been subpoenaed…..

Timmy, Tommy and Michael all look to be going up the hill.  Tommy was evidently let go by Baldwin Haspel per Sock’s recent comment. Tom pOreteous will be going down hard folks.  His refusal to resign exposes others like former Jefferson Parish DA John Mamoulides.  I’ve enjoyed seeing the lightbulbs go off with some of the … Continue reading “I think by now most everyone knows that Tom pOrteous sons have been subpoenaed…..”

Catching up on the ironing – Operation Wrinkled Robe and the Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous

The “good news” is Sop “saved the day” – actually, he “saved” and published my “Say not” post after my computer locked yesterday.  The “bad news” is that my post was missing a link – literally and figuratively! “Missing links”  appear to be the hallmark of the impeachable conduct of Judge Thomas Porteous –  many, … Continue reading “Catching up on the ironing – Operation Wrinkled Robe and the Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous”

Wednesday Music: “The shit is hitting the fan” with Tom Porteous. Ozzie knows best…

I’ve listened to preachers I’ve listened to fools I’ve watched all the dropouts Who make their own rules One person conditioned to rule and control The media sells it and you live the role [youtube=]

Say not – delay in Porteous’ Impeachment Trial exposes other “wrinkles”

Generally, posts requiring knowledge of Louisiana political history are written by Sop – but “generally” doesn’t apply to this post.  Generated by Richard Rainey’s Thomas Porteous’ defense says four judges took money from corrupt bond agents, Sop sent me a background email that  suggests there were more “wrinkles” exposed during Operation Wrinkled Robe than those Rainey … Continue reading “Say not – delay in Porteous’ Impeachment Trial exposes other “wrinkles””