Slabbed Exclusive: Self Admitted Felon Tim Whitmer goes for a Felony exemption to maintain insurance license

And with a clown from the Jefferson Parish Political Cesspool impersonating a state insurance commissioner it may just happen folks. Click the pic to get the entire 24 page PDF Slabbed obtained via PRR.

Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo

A bit over a week ago a print journalist familiar with Slabbed’s coverage of the post Katrina insurance wars sent me this link to a National Underwriter top 10 insurance living legends piece that featured Dickie Scruggs (one notch above true living legend Karen Clark) at the 7 spot.  We used to feature the NU a good bit on Slabbed but that … Continue reading “Insurance Omnibus: Rigsby, Rossie and RE plus Pols on the take and Mississippians sold out by Team Phildo”

Acute Council Coulrophia Epidemic, Epicenter District 3: A Lockemuptight guest post.

For the lucky citizens who were not in attendance at the August 31, 2011 Jefferson Parish Council meeting you should be counting your lucky stars. Many attendees got acutely ill as it seems longtime Waggaman civic activist, George Peterson, is himself  possibly showing signs of becoming another scary Council Clown. For those unfamiliar with George … Continue reading “Acute Council Coulrophia Epidemic, Epicenter District 3: A Lockemuptight guest post.”

Yes I can verify…..

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.  Unfortunately for the Slabbed Nation, Anthony Weiner’s cock shot has been removed from Yfrog so the link on yesterday’s Weinergate post no longer works. ‘Nuff said about that folks. There indeed may be nothing new under the sun but the new media certainly trail blazes old paths. I mention … Continue reading “Yes I can verify…..”

Now dats what I’m talking about. Ken Feinberg curbs ESIS and turns instead to the well oiled machine at Crawford and Company for spill claims.

I have a lot going on right now but this post must go up.  I’ve had one eye peeled on BP claims since we began covering problems in the BP claims process back in late June. (A short follow up to the first post can be found here.) So here is the deal and the story … Continue reading “Now dats what I’m talking about. Ken Feinberg curbs ESIS and turns instead to the well oiled machine at Crawford and Company for spill claims.”

Before we covered political corruption in Jefferson Parish we cut our teeth on AIG.

“There would be nobody there to protect consumers except the lobbyists for the insurance companies,” Louisiana Insurance Commissioner James Donelon said. “That’s how federal regulation works.  He and others pointed to the financial collapse of AIG Inc. under federal regulation. AIG insurance companies under state regulation remained solvent.  It was never a question in my … Continue reading “Before we covered political corruption in Jefferson Parish we cut our teeth on AIG.”

$peaking of $hoveling $hit…..

There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in … Continue reading “$peaking of $hoveling $hit…..”