Jimbo the clown joins Mike Chaney on the Biggert-Waters NFIP disaster front. Now we’re all truly screwed.

Biggert-Waters premium increases threaten Louisiana’s working coast, insurance commissioner says ~ Lauren McGaughy What can I add when the post title says it all? Absolutely nothing.

Jimbo the Clown strikes again, gives the CEO of the insolvent Louisiana Citizens Insurance a $50,000 pay raise

This, after raising commercial rates in New Orleans 45%. Jeff Adelson has the sad tale of the latest state sponsored insurance jackassery for NOLA. This is almost enough to make me feel grateful to have Mike Chaney here in Mississippi.  What a sad state of insurance we reside down here in Soggy Bottom.

Lagniappe Industries still going strong thanks to Jimbo the Clown….

So how can you can still sell insurance in Louisiana after admitting to a felony? Simple, you use the company that was collecting graft as a front that’s what. Click the pic to nab the 5 page pdf. One naturally wonders if the Whitmers are still making money from the Shadow Lake aka River Birch … Continue reading “Lagniappe Industries still going strong thanks to Jimbo the Clown….”

Will somebody please take them ‘shrooms away from Jimbo the Clown and get him into rehab………

Property insurance market has recovered, Donelon says ~ AP via NOLA.com Folks the story comments well tell the tale. Jimbo has gone off the deep end and that does not count the Citizens debacle. sop

Plaintiff’s seize Louisiana Citizen’s Bank Accounts: Jimbo the Clown continues in his role.

Folks we’ve covered the entire sad state of affairs at Louisiana Citizens Insurance, which adjusted its post Katrina claims in bad faith and has been trying avoid the consequences of such literally since the early days after the storm. The latest developments unfolded Monday with Becky Mowbray filing this short and not so sweet story that … Continue reading “Plaintiff’s seize Louisiana Citizen’s Bank Accounts: Jimbo the Clown continues in his role.”

BREAKING: Jimbo the Clown’s legacy to Louisiana policyholder revealed. Louisiana Citizens Insurance has assets seized to satisfy court judgment

And folks this is what happens when a clown is elected as Insurance Commish. Heckuva job Jimbo!

Tueday Music: Special dedication to Jimbo the Clown and the lit and hallucinating buffoons on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

Folks while we celebrate 4 years of Slabbed please join me in re visiting one of my more timeless insurance post, Around the GO Zone in 60 Seconds: Drinking ‘Shroom juice at the Wall Street Journal, Cottages, Community, Warr and Wind Pool whereby I opined the Wall Street journal Editorial Board were a bunch of  “lit … Continue reading “Tueday Music: Special dedication to Jimbo the Clown and the lit and hallucinating buffoons on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board”

Jimbo the Clown never got the memo that Louisiana Citizens Insurance is insolvent. A Captured Regulator Update.

A dimmer bulb has never flickered in the Louisiana DOI folks. Donelon said he took off another 2.3 percent because it was excessive and served to build the company’s capital and reserves. “They don’t need to be building reserves” with rates, Donelon said. He said other fees help Citizens remain solvent. Reserves????  Didn’t you mean the … Continue reading “Jimbo the Clown never got the memo that Louisiana Citizens Insurance is insolvent. A Captured Regulator Update.”

While Jimbo the Clown and his sidekick Mikey the Cook are MIA, BP claims go unpaid.

Donelon said that members of his staff have investigated some BP-related claims centers throughout Louisiana. “We have done some visits to claims centers and found them to be operating smoothly, but that is not all of the claims centers and I do not know how many adjusters there are.” he said. Donelon said his department … Continue reading “While Jimbo the Clown and his sidekick Mikey the Cook are MIA, BP claims go unpaid.”