Broussard Indictment Links: “This is the end of the beginning” as Val Bracy shines on….

One of yesterday’s top search strings to Slabbed  yesterday was “Val Bracy fired”.  I was curious about the source of the googles and found it on Fox 8’s own website as they ran large segments of the Aaron Broussard extended interview, parts of which are subject to a libel suit against Fox 8 filed by Trout Point Lodge  and … Continue reading “Broussard Indictment Links: “This is the end of the beginning” as Val Bracy shines on….”

La ferme pue pire que la route putes un vagin: “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” Part 3 Fin.

There is a way to look at the past. Don’t hide from it. It will not catch you–if you don’t repeat it From Rural Delivery Magazine, March 2002 continued: (Part 1, Part 2) The American partners had purchased nearly 200 acres of property west of the Tobeatic Wilderness protected area for their newest venture called Trout … Continue reading “La ferme pue pire que la route putes un vagin: “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” Part 3 Fin.”

La ferme pue pire que la route putes un vagin: “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” Part 2

“No man is rich enough to buy back his past.” From Rural Delivery Magazine, March 2002 continued: The Agency pointed out the time to begin repayment was at hand. But documents reveal this was a problem for the company. Within days ACOA received a request from the company to change its repayment schedule. The requested changes are … Continue reading “La ferme pue pire que la route putes un vagin: “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” Part 2″

Congratulations you found Slabbed. What’s next?

WordPress stats gives a blog moderator some insights into how people are finding the blog via search engines and I’ve noticed people are using google to site search our Jefferson Parish corruption coverage.  Off the top of my head I’ll guess we have at least 500 posts on that general topic and the best way … Continue reading “Congratulations you found Slabbed. What’s next?”

BREAKING: Self described King of Torts gets his ass kicked in California

“These guys are the worst of hypocrites that you can possibly find,” said Roger Chadderdon, technology counsel at Cataphora. “They claim to be trying to help the little guy, but what they’re doing is trying to put more money in their own pockets. Everybody knows that, but this is a case that illustrates it beyond … Continue reading “BREAKING: Self described King of Torts gets his ass kicked in California”

The Trout Point PR beating continues: The Shelburne County Today reports on the tussle between the girls and Trip Advisor.

Sorry for the back to back same topic posts folks but Timothy Gillespie at the Shelburne County Today has picked up the ChronicleHerald coverage and was kind enough to link us along with all the other media outlets Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Danny Abel have either sued or threatened to sue in Canada. As … Continue reading “The Trout Point PR beating continues: The Shelburne County Today reports on the tussle between the girls and Trip Advisor.”

Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal

I’ve done more than a few posts on the topic of Trout Point Lodge since it first appeared on the pages of the Times Picayune back in January 2010.  I’ll be honest and say I still have no clue why the powers that be at the Times Picayune sold out their own reporter and retracted … Continue reading “Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal”

The problem with lying is keeping all of them straight. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption / Trout Point Lodge Scandal Update Part 3

There is no doubt the timing of Rich Rainey’s series of articles on Trout Point Lodge and Aaron Broussard’s connections thereto could not have come at a more inopportune time for the three owners of the lodge, Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret.  While Rainey focuses his articles on the curious Nova Scotia connection involving Broussard and the complaint … Continue reading “The problem with lying is keeping all of them straight. A Jefferson Parish Political Corruption / Trout Point Lodge Scandal Update Part 3”

Laissez les bons temps rouler! Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 2.

To repeat part of the lead from Part 1, rarely am I presented with a topic that neatly ties in so many concepts previously presented on Slabbed, such as cognative bias.  For purposes of this post cognative bias involving the media as we again visit with Matt Labash at the hard line GOP media resource The Weekly Standard. We profiled Matt’s 1998 profile … Continue reading “Laissez les bons temps rouler! Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 2.”

Actually Matt, you had this one called right to begin with. Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 1.

Rarely am I presented with a topic that neatly ties in so many legal concepts we’ve advocated here on Slabbed such as ordinary citizens losing their basic constitutional rights under the ruse of  Tort Reform and as luck would have it, this area was used as the poster child for the need to strip ordinary citizens across … Continue reading “Actually Matt, you had this one called right to begin with. Slabbed travels back in time with the girls and ties a few things together. A Trout Point Lodge / Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal Update Part 1.”