Coastal Shoring: Raising the Blood Pressure of Jefferson to New Levels. A Lockemuptight guest post.

Maybe there is a valid reason or reasons why Aaron Broussard has not yet been indicted, his law license revoked and is not currently serving time in jail. Especially considering he is alleged to have conspired to reward himself with unethical/illegal insurance premiums and his wife with a fraudulent salary of a paralegal ($40,000 per … Continue reading “Coastal Shoring: Raising the Blood Pressure of Jefferson to New Levels. A Lockemuptight guest post.”

Rickey Davis cops a plea: A Louisiana Home Elevation boondoggle update.

Yesterday afternoon Hammerman checked in with a Home Elevation grant update highlighting the guilty plea copped by home elevation consultant Rickey Davis, who bribed state officials to get lists of the names of homeowners in the program. Davis is the tip of the iceberg of wrongdoing in the program that appears to have double dealing built into every level … Continue reading “Rickey Davis cops a plea: A Louisiana Home Elevation boondoggle update.”

Pleased to be released and let go: Contractor Fraud Charges against Jerl “Pappy” Kershenstine dropped

In early March I highlighted a bit of Goatherder legal jackassery when I profiled Danny Abel’s attempts to quash an arrest warrant for Coastal Shoring owner Jerl “Pappy” Kershenstine using civil litigation tactics. Those tactics did not work out so well for Kershenstine in the courtroom. That said the homeowner in question was amenable to … Continue reading “Pleased to be released and let go: Contractor Fraud Charges against Jerl “Pappy” Kershenstine dropped”

Puttin’ the Hammer down: Home elevation horror stories and rumored happy endings (Updated)

Sunday, the T-P’s Hammerman checked in with another good installment covering the Home Elevation Grant boondoggle. It is a long story that I will not rehash today but the bottom line Hammerman found a bit of silver lining to homeowner protections belated added to the program by the Jindal Administration. I will not dispute the silver lining … Continue reading “Puttin’ the Hammer down: Home elevation horror stories and rumored happy endings (Updated)”

Friday Night Tweet: Bad News Friday for the Goatherders

Coastal Shoring owner loses round in court Goatherder Danny Abel gets ass kicked in court. #Goatherders — Slabbed New Media (@SlabbedNewMedia) March 10, 2012 Coastal Shoring owner loses round in court ~ Paul Purpura sop

About all this brouhaha surrounding Jerl Kershenstine’s arrest warrant: They call me quashed

Folks do you get the feeling the Aaron Broussard cronies at Coastal Shoring are feeling a bit paranoid these days? Before we get to the latest jackassery from Danny Abel let’s review: Metairie man is killed when house collapses on him ~ Coastal Shoring loses one. Shrewsbury firm removes crime camera after mistaking it for competitor … Continue reading “About all this brouhaha surrounding Jerl Kershenstine’s arrest warrant: They call me quashed”

What do the New Orleans Saints, Aaron Broussard and Fred Heebe have in common?

Besides Tom Bensen’s prior socio-economic connections to Broussard that is. Simple folks Entercom’s WWL Big 870 Payola Radio.  Coastal Shoring relentlessly advertises there, with Garland Robinette doing some of the voice work for them while taking a so-called $250,000 loan from Fred Heebe, a man who Stephanie Grace wrote an excellent columnn on yesterday as it related to the latest bombshell of … Continue reading “What do the New Orleans Saints, Aaron Broussard and Fred Heebe have in common?”

Slabbed reveals the post that finally got me sued in Nova Scotia by Aaron Broussard’s grifting business associates at Trout Point Lodge. A Home Elevation Scandal Update.

O Fortune, like the moon you are changeable, always waxing or waning; hateful life first oppresses and then soothes as fancy takes it; poverty and power it melts them like ice. Fate – monstrous and empty, you whirling wheel, stand malevolent, well-being is vain and always fades to nothing, shadowed and veiled you plague me … Continue reading “Slabbed reveals the post that finally got me sued in Nova Scotia by Aaron Broussard’s grifting business associates at Trout Point Lodge. A Home Elevation Scandal Update.”

Fazzio COBs on ’em: A River Birch Ball Squeeze Update.

Paul Rioux gives us the latest in USA v Titus, which by implication impacts USA v Fazzio and the ongoing investigation into the River Birch Landfill. As an aside to the whores at Entercom Communication, the mere mention of the River Birch Landfill in turn always manages to roll Garland(fill) Robinette into the discussion in story comments … Continue reading “Fazzio COBs on ’em: A River Birch Ball Squeeze Update.”

Congratulations you found Slabbed. What’s next?

WordPress stats gives a blog moderator some insights into how people are finding the blog via search engines and I’ve noticed people are using google to site search our Jefferson Parish corruption coverage.  Off the top of my head I’ll guess we have at least 500 posts on that general topic and the best way … Continue reading “Congratulations you found Slabbed. What’s next?”