Citizens for Good Government issues statement on the return of the Vandenweghe hard drive.

Supporters of Good Government: You may have noticed in Saturday’s Times-Picayune that ex-Assistant Jefferson Parish Attorney Anne Marie Vandenweghe “has struck an arrangement with the parish attorney’s office to have her emails and a copy of the hard drive of her work computer returned to her,” according to her attorney, Bobby Truitt. This article may … Continue reading “Citizens for Good Government issues statement on the return of the Vandenweghe hard drive.”

It’s Mardi Gras! Time to let loose with a few blasts from the past.

For those of you that missed out earlier. All from the Goatherders v Fox 8 case in Nova Scotia. Click to get the associated PDF file. Happy Mardi Gras ~ sop Letter from Broussard’s agent Roy D’Aquila to Leary and Perret. Affidavit of Danny Abel.

Why would the Plaintiffs be interested in the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case????

Slabbed lifers well remember the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case against former St John the Baptist Parish Prez turned convict Bill Hubbard. For those that don’t, for right now we’ll use the google cache to highlight that old Slabbed post here is the old post on the topic because Edwards also sued Jefferson Parish, Aaron Broussard, Tim … Continue reading “Why would the Plaintiffs be interested in the Jacqueline Patterson Edwards RICO case????”

Slabbed’s travails with the Goat Herders makes the NOLA New Media

The good folks over at NOLA Defender have chimed in on the doings in Canada. Since we solved the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River the Goat Herders have since admitted they managed the rentals Broussard owned. Time will talk as to what other business arrangements, if any, they had with each other. sop

Confessions of a straight southern white guy: “Why context coupled with facts matter”

“You never really know a man till you walk a mile in his shoes” ~ Atticus Finch Before Hurricane Katrina, when I was still a relative newbie on the finance message boards, I was cyber smeared as I managed to piss off some very powerful people.  Part of that smear, most of it in fact, derived … Continue reading “Confessions of a straight southern white guy: “Why context coupled with facts matter””

Since I’ve gotten so much free legal advice over the past couple of days lets talk 1st Amendment and Defamation

There has been a bit of chatter here on Slabbed and elsewhere about the Nova Scotia court case, much of it by people who have no clue what I’ve written or clued into the fact I did not respond to the suit against me in Nova Scotia at all. It typically starts with the assumption that I libeled Leary and … Continue reading “Since I’ve gotten so much free legal advice over the past couple of days lets talk 1st Amendment and Defamation”

The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.

Folks I warned Toronto Star reporter Richard J. Brennan this story was far more complicated and nuanced than he was lead to believe and I encouraged him to contact media outlets and the local authorities before wielding the hatchet to us.  Unfortunately he had his mind made up when he called me how he was … Continue reading “The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.”

Aaron the peeps have been telling tales on you…….

I wonder if there was any piece of Parish business you didn’t try to scam dude. Your daughter in law is being squeezed by Team Fed and others have been implicated. It is a story of graft that will mesmerize the entire Slabbed Nation. With that said, those that followed my twitter timeline know I spent … Continue reading “Aaron the peeps have been telling tales on you…….”

BREAKING: Nova Scotia Justice Suzanne Hood awards Trout Point Lodge damages against Slabbed and authorizes injunctive relief.

Libel tourism is alive and well folks as a Canadian Judge has awarded damages to Aaron Broussard co-conspirators Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in their suit against Slabbed though I do not know any specifics as I am getting my information second hand. This is not the first time a Canadian judge has awarded damages to crooks, convicted … Continue reading “BREAKING: Nova Scotia Justice Suzanne Hood awards Trout Point Lodge damages against Slabbed and authorizes injunctive relief.”