Let’s recap a thing or two and tie a few loose ends together on the criminal demise of Aaron Broussard

And the discussion has to start here with this post and more specifically this reader comment. It took a few months plus a year’s worth of gumshoe journalism to snag an unredacted example of the document I posted way back in April 2011 that unequivocally demonstrated Broussard’s intimate involvement with business ventures partially owned and managed by Charles … Continue reading “Let’s recap a thing or two and tie a few loose ends together on the criminal demise of Aaron Broussard”

South Coast Today issues a retraction on the Broussard saga: Slabbed compares and contrasts (Updated)

Retraction & apology February 26, 2013 – 09:01 — Timothy Gillespie In a story published on February 25, 2013, SCT stated that New Orleans lawyer Danny Abel was once a law partner of former Jefferson Parish president Aaron Broussard. Court records forwarded to SCT show that Mr. Abel has stated under oath in an affidavit … Continue reading “South Coast Today issues a retraction on the Broussard saga: Slabbed compares and contrasts (Updated)”

Public outrage on display Part 1: Some thoughts on the Broussard sentencing.

A day has elapsed since yesterday’s sentencing hearing for Karen Parker, Tom Wilkinson and Aaron Broussard in Judge Head’s temporary courtroom on Camp Street and the accounting by the media of yesterday’s events is almost complete, “almost” being because I have not chipped in my two cents worth. First up I need to highlight Jason at American … Continue reading “Public outrage on display Part 1: Some thoughts on the Broussard sentencing.”

Broussard sentencing links

Aaron Broussard sentenced to 46 months in prison; Wilkinson, Parker get probation ~ Drew Broach Former Jefferson Parish president sentenced to 46 months ~ Charles Maldonado Aaron Broussard Sentenced: Former Louisiana Parish President Gets Four Years For Giving Wife Fake Job ~ Janet McConnaughey Aaron Broussard sentenced to 46 months on federal corruption charges ~ Travers Mackel … Continue reading “Broussard sentencing links”

ONGO Part 1: John Mamoulides dictates a letter for Aaron Broussard…..

At the risk of disclosing sensitive grand jury information may I be so bold as to quote Clancy DuBos: “The paper trail glows in the dark.”

Former Goatherder in Chief Aaron Broussard now claims he gotta bum rap…..

Drew Broach’s report on same for the NOLA Media Group is very good but the reader comments are even better: What is taking the justice dept so long to send this scum bag to jail. If it were me meting out the punishment, I would throw this clown in a pit with three hungry lions. At … Continue reading “Former Goatherder in Chief Aaron Broussard now claims he gotta bum rap…..”

Let’s drill down a bit on the latest developments in USA v Broussard: A playing on the internet update.

OK folks have we thought about this enough?  We have a federal subpoena out to the folks at NOLA Media Group asking for all the skinny on 11 internet commenters.  One of the post Katrina NOLA police murder cases involving civilians is in danger of getting verdicts set aside.  And the former Goatherder in Chief … Continue reading “Let’s drill down a bit on the latest developments in USA v Broussard: A playing on the internet update.”

Did I mention that Aaron Broussard would monkey with property tax bills? Part 2 of a 5 part series.

I do believe I strongly alluded to that fact once or twice with all those zero property tax assessments we keep finding in the Jefferson Tax Assessor online database. There were evidently benefits to the corrupt bribery scheme Broussard had going with Bill Mack beyond the value of the public contracts Broussard steered to Mack’s … Continue reading “Did I mention that Aaron Broussard would monkey with property tax bills? Part 2 of a 5 part series.”

Friday Jefferson Parish Omnibus: Mark Titus, Aaron Broussard and the 24th JDC

I do not have much time this morning so here is a quick rundown of three stories I followed over the past week or so: Mark Titus’ wife claims most of the assets government plans to seize ~ Manuel Torres Run “Mark Titus” through the search box on the right sidebar to find Slabbed’s previous … Continue reading “Friday Jefferson Parish Omnibus: Mark Titus, Aaron Broussard and the 24th JDC”