Send lawyers guns and money. Dad get me out of this!: Jonathan Bolar guilty on all 13 counts. Paul Purpura adds additional color on Butch Ward’s shithouse land deal with Bolar.

I could be wrong folks but I think this is the cyber equivalent of the ol’ ball squeeze on Butch Ward. Paul Purpura at the Times Picayune updates the Bolar trial as the corrupt former Gretna City Councilman turned convict has gone down on all 13 counts, guilty as charged. Paul also adds a good bit more … Continue reading “Send lawyers guns and money. Dad get me out of this!: Jonathan Bolar guilty on all 13 counts. Paul Purpura adds additional color on Butch Ward’s shithouse land deal with Bolar.”

B-E double R-I-G-A-N spells Berrigan: And dat be good for me!

Shazam folks, whenever Judge Berrigan enters the news cycle business picks up here on Slabbed. I think by now everyone knows Judge Berrigan went well under the sentencing guidelines with the 10 year sentence she gave Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy. People are not happy so here is a salient link and a couple blasts … Continue reading “B-E double R-I-G-A-N spells Berrigan: And dat be good for me!”

Ward Alert: Team Butch Ward attempts to settle the Turkey Creek MDOT litigation, ties solution to Port

With the cutbacks at the National newspaper chains the good ol’ days of small media market bloggers being able to make a living linking the local paper are long gone but occasionally there are still days when a days worth of material pops up in the local paper and that is the case with today’s … Continue reading “Ward Alert: Team Butch Ward attempts to settle the Turkey Creek MDOT litigation, ties solution to Port”

We have a Butch Ward sighting and it isn’t good for Gulfport or the coast.

I have a few observations to make concerning Anita Lee’s front page story for the Sun Herald today. One observation is that Councilwoman Cara L. Pucheu of Ward 7 whose district is proposed to expand into a commercial area with few voters can only mean a few things none of which are complimentary to Pucheu, who … Continue reading “We have a Butch Ward sighting and it isn’t good for Gulfport or the coast.”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past. And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge … Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

From laying down the law to giving the politicians another chance. Eddie Price’s sentence to be reduced.

The public isn’t buying in folks and frankly neither am I since former Mandeville Mayor did the pay to play thing with city venders to the tune of $165,000 plus.  Jeff Adelson has the skinny for the Times Picayune: Former Mandeville Mayor Eddie Price’s sentence on corruption and tax evasion charges would be reduced by … Continue reading “From laying down the law to giving the politicians another chance. Eddie Price’s sentence to be reduced.”

Cruising the coast with Butch and Baby Butch Ward: Poor, poor, pitiful me

I’ve had one of those famous Slabbed moments of serendipity where events have connected thus I feel compelled  to write a post on the topic especially when news stories which I’ve been holding close marry well with seemingly unrelated events and involve the Slabbed Nation’s Jefferson Parish Branch. Let’s do this chronologically and go back to last month … Continue reading “Cruising the coast with Butch and Baby Butch Ward: Poor, poor, pitiful me”