Here is a tip for ya Mark. Don't bend over to pick up the soap. Jury finds Mark St Pierre guilty on all counts.

And as I expected St Pierre was taken into custody immediately. Hat tip ‘gate in comments with the news.

Letten still has Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy plus St Pierre’s sack of shit politician/daddy to prosecute based upon what we heard in the testimony.

Congratulations to Team Letten.


24 thoughts on “Here is a tip for ya Mark. Don't bend over to pick up the soap. Jury finds Mark St Pierre guilty on all counts.”

    1. Well that would be a push then Mark. House wins!

      Once you get over a certain number of years the prison where you get sent progressively gets worse. I hope St P got some good bye nookie last night. They take a dim view of conjugal visitation at the BoP.

      I’m thinking the Mrs goes Cougar like Jason predicted.


  1. 11 years Sop? Goodness me…I would have thought a few more than that…oh well, c’est la guerre.

  2. Guilty on all 53 counts in less than 6 hours deliberating. I don’t think the jury believed a word he said. I wonder if they believed him when he said his name?

  3. Henry Mouton.

    Gate, which contract was that?

    There was (is?) a Henry Mouton who was a Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo committee member and president. Of course that’s partly a JP politico circle via Mamoulides, Marcello (by proxy), and now Chris Roberts.

    7/23/06 BR Advocate, 7/25/06 Morgan City Daily Review & 7/26/06 Leesville Daily Leader:

    “The 85th-annual Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo, one of the longest-running fishing tournaments in the country, opens in Grand Isle this week despite the tiny community’s brutal beatings from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The tournament begins Thursday and will continue through Saturday – a huge feat considering that shortly after last summer’s storms, there was ”no rodeo” talk from organizers. Not even World War II had done that, making the event one of the oldest fishing tournaments in the country. … Committee member Henry Mouton said a ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned for 7 p.m. Thursday. The kickoff, a free-to-all seafood boil, is that night. The pavilion will carry the name of Otto Candies, a founding member of the rodeo in the 1920s. The pavilion will house the stage where youngsters race crabs daily at 2 p.m. and where the awards ceremony will be held around 8 p.m. Saturday. …”

    7/27/01 TP:

    “Three fishers from Houma fought for about 20 minutes to reel in the first tarpon caught Thursday during the opening day of the 80th annual Grand Isle International Tarpon Rodeo.

    But it wasn’t so much the powerful, 149-pound, 3-ounce silver king that was at the center of their struggle aboard their boat, Rock & Roll. The tarpon jumped from the water five times before resigning to its fate. Rather, it was the choppy Gulf of Mexico that put up the greater fight for Kurt Cheramie and brothers Jeff and John Deblieux.

    All smiles, for about a half-hour they were the center of attention amid the throng of onlookers after they motored into the Sand Dollar Marina at about 10:50 a.m. with their 6-foot-plus tarpon.

    “The seas out there were 4 to 6 feet; pretty rough,” said Cheramie, 42, who ventured out about 6 a.m. and, using a coon-pop lure, caught his tarpon about three hours later between the Empire waterway and Grand Bayou. “Not many boats out there.” …

    … Henry Mouton , last year’s rodeo president and a rodeo official this year, said they might lose some fishers who have yet to arrive and are watching weather reports. “It’s going to affect it a little bit,” he said of the weather.

    But some fishers are already on the barrier island and likely won’t leave, and by late Thursday a steady stream of vehicles with boats flowed into Grand Isle. The real party begins today, islanders say. “The weather could change tomorrow,” Mouton said.

    He expects a good turnout and a good time for those who do participate. Rodeo officials have added award categories to the competition and have resurrected a weigh station at South Pass, Mouton said.

    This year they have piped in air conditioning at the Big Tent, where many of the rodeo’s central activities take place. Inland and coastal fishing, where the waters were calmer, “has gotten so good,” Mouton said.

    The crew of the Rock & Roll, meanwhile, wasn’t going to be sidelined by rough seas. A serious crew, they form a fishing team that has participated in the tarpon rodeo for about 18 years, and the Deblieuxs have walked away as rodeo champions several times.

    They stayed at the Sand Dollar Marina only long enough to pose for photos with their catch, tell the story of their fight and refuel before setting out again.

    “We’ve got 2 days left,” Jeff Deblieux said. “We’re just getting started.” ”

    7/16/00 BR Advocate:

    “History holds that fishermen across the South make plans to come to south Louisiana for the annual Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo.

    July 27-29 is the 79th celebration of the oldest fishing competition in our country, and several additions promise to make it much different, and maybe more comfortable, than any of the past 78.

    For one, there’s a new, extra-large pipe bringing water to the island. Mayor David Camardelle made it a point to tell folks, “There will be plenty of fresh drinking and bathing water on Grand Isle.”

    If you have ever lathered up in a shower and had the shower slow to a trickle, or taken 10 minutes to get enough water from the tap to make a pot of coffee, then you know how much better this rodeo could be from the past.

    Rodeo president Henry Mouton said the headquarters tent will be air-conditioned, which should mean there will a place to get away from the heat, not to mention that dancing to the nightly bands should be more comfortable.

    Then there’s the addition of a one-day speckled trout tournament. … ”

    Lots of Henry Moutons in Louisiana probably, so that’s no lock, right?

    The 3/1/11 TP has the indicted Henry Mouton as being the same as that who was on the LWFC: “It wouldn’t have seen unusual after Hurricane Katrina for Henry Mouton , then a member of the state Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, to lobby aggressively for the closure of the controversial Old Gentilly Landfill in New Orleans. …”

    4/10/11 TP. James Gill, has it: “Now that Henry Mouton is negotiating a plea deal and will, presumably, agree to testify against Fred Heebe, they must each wish they had never met.

    Perhaps they are cursing Mike Foster, for it was he who brought them together when he was governor. He was hovering in the background when the deal went down that led to Mouton’s indictment in February. Mouton, as a Foster appointee to the state Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, took almost half a million dollars in bribes from Heebe, according to the feds. Heebe’s indictment cannot be far off.

    As a business proposition, it was insane to give that much money to Mouton, who was in no position to do any favors for Heebe, co-owner of the River Birch landfill in Waggaman. Mouton did write letters urging the closure of a River Birch competitor, but nobody paid any attention because the commission has no authority whatsoever in such matters.

    Heebe must have expected that from the start. But then he has money to burn, and Mouton was a big Foster sidekick. Heebe owed Foster big time, because it was thanks to him that the River Birch landfill opened in the first place.

    Heebe first sought a permit for the landfill under the last Edwin Edwards administration, but came up short. Hours before leaving office in early 1996, Edwards’ Department of Environmental Quality Secretary William Kucharski decided that local residents, already surrounded by landfills, should be spared yet another, which was not needed anyway.

    After Foster took over, Heebe was introduced at the mansion and a fond relationship blossomed. Perhaps there was a natural bond, for Foster and Heebe are both keen duck hunters. So were several of Foster’s inner circle at the time, especially Mouton, a Lafayette businessman. Meanwhile, Heebe appealed Kucharski’s decision. … ”

    10/27/00 BR Advocate:

    “Gov. Mike Foster’s efforts to raise taxes for education and privatize the state’s economic development agency are being bankrolled mostly with contributions from himself and big industries, including controversial Shintech Inc.

    Unofficial totals from Foster-backed La. Reform PAC’s interim campaign-finance reports reflect $169,250 in contributions as of Thursday, including $100,000 from Foster’s campaign fund.

    Of the remaining $69,250, more than a third was from large industries such as Shintech, Georgia-Pacific, Citgo and Westlake Petrochemical Corporation. And much of the remaining money is from other businesses.

    Critics such as state Sen. James David Cain, D-Dry Creek, claim big business is backing the educational tax hike because it saves companies money by eliminating the state’s 4-percent sales tax on utilities.

    “They (big companies) are getting millions of dollars in tax breaks on the backs of the middle class,” Cain said.

    Known as the Stelly plan after its author, state Rep. Vic Stelly, R-Lake Charles, the tax proposal would also do away with the current sales tax on food, while raising income taxes for more affluent taxpayers.

    Corporate income taxes would not change.

    In a telephone interview Thursday, Foster said the companies supporting the Stelly Plan are convinced “It’s the right thing to do,” and they’re not simply looking for a tax break.

    But Cain said he knows otherwise.

    “I had one lobbyist – I’m not going to quote his name – who was hit up by them (La. Reform Inc.) and he gave $5,000. He said he’s not going to vote for it personally, because it hits him personally, but it helps his company,” Cain said. Foster dismissed Cain’s claim.

    “Poor James David, he’s running for something. I just don’t know what yet,” Foster said.

    State Rep. Shirley Bowler, who opposes Foster’s plan to replace the state Department of Economic Development with a nonprofit corporation called Louisiana Inc., said she thinks the sales tax break on utilities is the main motive behind the corporate contributions.

    “I don’t think Louisiana Inc. is driving that,” she said, referring to the corporate gifts. “I think they want to get rid of the sales tax.”La. Reform PAC was created to promote both the Stelly plan and Louisiana Inc. Plans call for both proposals to be promoted in the same political ads.

    Louisiana Inc. is Amendment No. 1 on the Nov. 7 election ballot. The Stelly Plan is Amendment Nos. 2 and 3.

    Bowler has criticized Louisiana Inc., saying it gives too much power to the governor and eliminates many of the safeguards that guarantee accountability in most other state agencies.

    Bowler said she’s not surprised that La. Reform Inc. is accepting money from Shintech.

    “When you’re trying to air commercials in the closing days of a campaign, you don’t question the source, you just take the money,” Bowler said.

    Foster said he wasn’t involved in soliciting the funds, but he doesn’t think the support of Shintech hurts his administration’s cause.

    “That’s one of my things, I don’t ever solicit. I just never have been able to call for money,” the governor said.

    Shintech stirred controversy in the late 1990s when it attempted to put a plastics plant at Romeville. The move by the Japanese company prompted cries of environmental racism by critics, who claimed that the proposed plant’s emissions would hurt mostly the poor and minorities.

    Shintech was backed by the Foster administration, but eventually decided to relocate its proposed plant across the Mississippi River from the original site.

    On behalf of the Louisiana Environmental Action Network, which helped fight Shintech’s Romeville plant, environmentalist Marylee Orr said she’s not surprised to see Shintech and other heavy industry backing Louisiana Inc.

    Orr said the contributions are interesting in light of claims by proponents of Louisiana Inc. that it will help attract clean, high-tech industries.

    “It looks like the same old companies that have gotten us to be either number one or number two in the discharge of toxics to our air, land and water,” Orr said.

    Orr said her organization has opposed Louisiana Inc. from the beginning “because there’s such a potential for abuse.”Foster said he’s comfortable with the safeguards in the Louisiana Inc. proposal, which include oversight by legislative committees and the scrutiny of the legislative auditor.

    Meanwhile, Foster said he’s rethinking an earlier plan to hold celebrity duck hunts to promote Louisiana Inc. and the Stelly tax plan.

    A plan to hold $5,000-per-contributor duck hunts, featuring Foster as the celebrity leader of the hunt, will likely have to be scrapped because the proposed hunting site is “bone dry” due to this year’s drought, Foster said.

    Henry Mouton , chairman of the La. Reform PAC, had already sold some 30 spots for the duck hunts, which would have been held around Christmas.

    Foster said he’s now considering a possible quail hunt or fishing trip as a fund-raiser. ”

    12/24/96 TP:

    “Gov. Foster flushed out $250,000 during a weekend duck hunt that marked his first major fund-raiser for a possible 1999 re-election bid.

    “I don’t know if I’d pay that kind of money to hunt ducks,” Foster joked as the three-day event ended Monday. He said about 50 people attended.

    Foster said he does not know if he will disclose the names of those who paid $5,000 when he returns to Baton Rouge early next year.

    “This is all campaign stuff and will be reported, anyhow,” Foster said. The governor ran into a buzz saw of controversy last year by promising to make the names of donors to his inauguration and transition team public, then backing off that pledge by saying those donations were private and not subject to state campaign finance laws.

    He said he expects expenses will lower the $250,000 figure.

    The expedition – at a duck club camp in Oak Grove in Cameron Parish – came complete with a butler’s 4:30 a.m. wake-up call and a breakfast of quail on toast. “Everybody got a shotgun and a shirt and some other stuff,” Foster said.

    Foster said there were some old faces at the hunt – like Lafayette businessman Henry Mouton who helped put it together – as well as some new ones.

    “It was very unpolitical,” the governor said. “It was mostly hunting and eating.”

    While the weather was chilly Saturday, Foster said the hunters “got close to their limits on the first day” but fell short when the weather warmed Sunday and Monday.

    While state hunting laws generally prohibit hunters from bagging more than five ducks a day, state campaign finance laws limit an individual to making no more than a $5,000 contribution to a candidate annually.”

    Heebe’s an avod outdoorsman, isn’t he? A big fisherman and hunter?

    There are also prior instances of letters to newspapers from a henry Mouton about things outdoorsy or environmental:

    Around 6/23/98 to the BR Advocate there’s a letter from Henry Mouton about something called “Grand Bois”.

    Around 8/18/95 there’s a letter from Henry Mouton to the BR Advocate promoting the gill net ban.

    Around 8/26/97 there’s a letter from Henry Mouton to the BR Advocate criticizing the LWFD secretary for an action re: enforcement powers of specialists.

    He pops up a couple more times writing letters opposing the building of an airstrip in Cameron, supporting stem cell research and maybe one or two other issues (like shrimping, hunting, trout and redfish limits).

    And then this oddity from the 1/31/03 Lake Charles American Press:

    “Questions arise over Gov. Foster’s intentions with state’s drug contract Mail-order contract promoted as a way to cut costs, improve health

    The state recently signed a contract requiring Medicaid recipients to get their asthma and diabetes medicine from an out-of-state company backed by a close friend of Gov. Mike Foster.

    But Foster has halted the deal temporarily in the face of mounting opposition and questions about the compa-ny’s ability to deliver the serv-ice.

    Last year, Health Alliance got exclusive rights to market a voluntary mail-order pre-scription program to certain Medicaid recipients after Lafayette businessman Henry Mouton intervened with Foster on its behalf.

    Soon afterwards, the Foster administration began pushing to make participation manda-tory for all 137,000 Louisiana Medicaid recipients with asth-ma and diabetes.

    Mouton is a close friend of Foster’s who has organized campaign fund-raising duck hunts and chaired a political committee to push voter approval of Foster-backed tax changes and economic-devel-opment initiatives.

    The federal-state Medicaid program pays medical bills for the poor. In Louisiana, pre-scription drugs are the biggest use of Medicaid dollars. The tab is $600 million a year and rising fast. The mail-order program was promoted as a way to cut costs and improve the health of participants.

    But The Advocate of Baton Rouge reported Thursday that concerns have mounted:

    Initially state health offi-cials questioned whether the Chicago-based company had the financial ability to deliver the services. Today, state offi-cials say they are more com-fortable about the company because of a new infusion of cash.

    Then came word of prob-lems implementing a manda-tory program in some Florida counties. After several attempts, that state settled for a voluntary program.

    Now there are protests from Louisiana pharmacists, who say their customers and their businesses would suffer.

    The state Department of Health and Hospitals won fed-eral approval for the mandato-ry program and signed a con-tract with Health Alliance on Nov. 26, 2002. But the Legislature’s health commit-tees have not approved the change, and the governor’s office this week decided to hold up the deal.

    Foster said he will not sign the pending contract for a

    mandatory mail-order pro-gram ” until I’m totally con-vinced that it works. ”

    Foster’s chief of staff, Andy Kopplin, said the voluntary program will be extended to see if the company delivers for Medicaid clients as promised and to see if company claims of cost-saving become a reali-ty.

    DHH Secretary David Hood said his agency is taking ” a wait-and-see attitude ” and giv-ing the voluntary program more time to iron out kinks.

    Kopplin said Mouton introduced the governor’s office staff to Health Alliance officials.

    The decision was left to DHH, Kopplin said.

    ” Henry Mouton is a friend of mine, and if he thinks he can save the state some money, he’s going to call you every other day, ” Foster said Thursday on his live radio show.

    Mouton, who owns a heat-ing and air-conditioning company in Lafayette, said he became aware of Health Alliance through a friend of a friend.

    A former Mouton busi-ness partner, David Walker, is listed in Louisiana corpo-ration records as the compa-ny’s registered agent.

    Mouton said he has no financial stake in the firm. Mouton said he has a 25- year-old niece and a 6- year-old daughter, both of whom have diabetes.”

    Is this all the same Mouton? If so this guy was no mere obscure functionary.

  4. A contract …to MAINTAIN climate controls at 10 schools. ????? As in maintaining automatic thermostats which you program initially, can change for the particular season of operation and only need batteries every so often ? Sounds like the school maintenance crew would be charged with such duties and a contract for $1 million would be unnecessary unless you just want to put money into campaign supporters hands. If Chris Roberts recalls such a suspicious, obvious sounding needless contract then maybe he would recall what it was exactly that the maintenance crew could not do themselves concerning climate controls. How about it Chris maybe one morn at 5A.M. sitting on your big ass terlit you could come up with a sweet smelling BS explanation written on your best terlit stationary- especially seeing that Mr.Mouton has a track history of not doing a lot for mega bucks of political booty.

  5. Chris Roberts.

    Star Services.


    “Under Resolution No. 114089 was omitted and should read as follows:

    On joint motion of all Councilmembers present, the following resolution was offered:
    RESOLUTION NO. 114089
    A resolution authorizing the extension of the current contract with Star Service, Inc., under Contract Number 55-0007923, for preventive maintenance to the HVAC systems at various Jefferson Parish buildings, for an additional six (6) months and increasing the contract cap by $145,000.00 for the six months extension. (Parishwide).
    WHEREAS, the Library Department, John A. Alario, Sr. Event Center, Segnette Field Baseball Stadium and Jefferson Parish Community Action Program has a contract with Star Services, Inc., for HVAC preventive maintenance, which is to expire on March 29, 2010; and
    WHEREAS, Council Resolution Number 104865, adopted February 8, 2006 provided a guaranteed cost, full coverage, preventive maintenance program for servicing all equipment and associated devices related to the HVAC for all Jefferson Parish Library Department buildings/facilities; and
    WHEREAS, the current contractor, Star Services Inc. has provided services to the Library Department, the Jefferson Community Action Programs, the Segnette Field Baseball Stadium and the Alario Center which includes an agreement to extend by the attached letters from the user departments; and
    WHEREAS, the Library Department, the John A. Alario Sr., Event Center, the Segnette Field Baseball Stadium and the Jefferson Parish Community Action Program are in need of the services/materials/supplies/equipment provided under the current contract; and
    WHEREAS, Star Services, Inc. has agreed to this extension and a letter confirming consent is attached hereto.
    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Jefferson Parish Council, the governing authority of said Parish:
    SECTION 1. That the contract with Star Services, Inc., under Contract Number 55-00007923, for preventative maintenance to the HVAC equipment, is hereby extended for six months (6) from the date of the current contract expiration date of March 29,2010 and will expire on September 30, 2010.
    SECTION 2. The cost associated with this contract extension shall not exceed
    $ 24,166.66 per month and increase the total contract cap by $ 145,000.00 is to be charged to the following accounts:
    1.) 21790-2451-xxx-7431.1 (various library locations)
    2.) 21850-2615-7432.3
    3.) 21850-2616-7432.3
    4.) 10010-0330-282-7431.1
    5.) 10010-0330-230-7431.1
    6.) 10010-0330-231-7431.1
    7.) 10010-0330-341-7431.1
    8.) 21030-1020-205-7431.1-10389-xxx
    9.) 21020-1010-214-7431.1-10204-001
    10.) and to future Jefferson Parish Department project/account
    numbers as assigned
    SECTION 3. That the Council Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman is hereby authorized to sign any and all documents required to give full force and effect to this resolution.
    YEAS: 6 NAYS: None ABSENT: None
    The resolution was declared adopted on this the 10th day of February, 2010.”!.DOC+%22chris+roberts%22+%22star+services%22&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgzxtphpNFbEke0mqtWVQt8uccarzRLAKxzpqHRCE9yVg6x_XGGqKU3FUo1tYKzra4NbrnziiTIjTuLRuMQIqTVT1OiAgWJsqmlKTsBrBligoMAC_8fVTwds5NOuHVqdEOD-eic&sig=AHIEtbQy5TRqIeUFZ4iTIOL6ozKPcZ-sjg

    Oh, look, a contribution to Chris Roberts:

    “Star Service Inc., $2000”

    A who’s who of contributors there too.

    A nice rundown on Roberts’ other hookups can be found here:

    Yet another guy who decided to just up and quit in 2010:

    “Mouton did not own firm: Saturday’s story about the indictment of Henry Mouton described Star Services, a climate control company that won a Jefferson Parish School Board contract in 2000, as Mouton’s firm. Mouton never had an ownership stake in the company and stopped working there last summer, Star Services owner Mike Miller said Monday. ”

    Somehow the Lake Charles American Press also got this different, as above:

    “Mouton, who owns a heat-ing and air-conditioning company in Lafayette, said he became aware of Health Alliance through a friend of a friend.

    A former Mouton business partner, David Walker, is listed in Louisiana corpo-ration records as the compa-ny

  6. By the way, Andy Kopplin, Gov. Murphy “Mike” Foster’s former chief of staff, who somehow remained as Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s chief of staff, is of course Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s CAO.

    He appears in the Lake Charles American Press story above.

    A mere nota bene.

  7. Under “Henry M. Mouton,” Mouton wrote a lot more letters, say maybe 20-50, often to the newspapers in Baton Rouge and Lake Charles, often typically boosting Mike Foster (such as defending him in the David Duke list sale scandal) but also in support of various conservative causes or other political issues of the day, local, state and national.

    Actually, there’s more in the indy media:

    Via TJR:

    “News of an overzealous letter-writing campaign to public officials wouldn

  8. The 2/10/10 contract with a $145,000 cap for JP itself was just an add-on. The original contract was apparently in the 2/10/06 TP as: “Maintenance work: Ratified a three-year contract, capped at $785,664, with Star Services Inc. for repair and maintenance of environmental and mechanical systems at parish libraries, JeffCAP buildings, the John A. Alario Sr. Event Center and the Bayou Segnette baseball stadium.”

    So that would be quite a bit more.

  9. Let me get this straight…this arrogant Jefferson Parish West-Bank Politico Thug MFer who was convicted of…53 (FIFTHY-THREE) FELONY COUNTS !!!…still believes his credit card is


    Mark St. Pierre’s 17.5-year sentence is intended to serve as a deterrent, judge says
    Published: Thursday, September 01, 2011, 10:15 PM
    By David Hammer, The Times-Picayune

    Although I am disappointed Eldon did not follow up on my suggestion of giving this Supreme POS Jefferson Parish Political Mafioso Thug the 87 years as I had formulated in an earlier comment above, I am confident that the 17 1/2 years is sufficient to put this

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