The Plaquemines Citizen issues an Amber Alert for Nunny! Last spotted stinking up Alexandria….


The Plaquemines Citizen has issued an amber alert for Nunny and we have found a lead on his whereabouts courtesy of our friends up Alexandria way at We Saw That. Simply put in between campaign stops Nunny is engaging a letter writing fetish for his “psychic” friend Rachel Adams.  I’m sure there is one helluva a back story here on Nunny and Mrs Adams folks.  Of course we know Nunny best for attempting to stiff Gidget on a 5 figure prostitution tab back in the day but we had no clue he was into the occult.  Here is a snippet from The Town Talk article on Mrs Adam’s quest to begin fortune-telling in Alexandria:

Billy Nungesser, president of Plaquemines Parish, sent an email to Alexandria Mayor Jacques M. Roy on July 14 asking that city officials work with Adams to allow her to open her business so that she could move with her family to Alexandria.

“Ms. Adams seems to be a person who dedicates her life to her work and family,” Nungesser wrote. “She has already found a house she would like to purchase but is unable to do so if she can not open and operate her business.

“I am reaching out to you today to ask if there is any opportunity for Ms. Adams to receive a license to operate a psychic reading business in the Alexandria area.”

City Attorney Chuck Johnson said Nungesser’s email was the first time city officials had heard about Adams or her plans to open a business in the city.

Suing the City is a great way for Mrs Adams to ingratiate herself with the local populace in a southern bible belt town. Like I said the back story to this story is likely very interesting.


12 thoughts on “The Plaquemines Citizen issues an Amber Alert for Nunny! Last spotted stinking up Alexandria….”

  1. By looking at her picture, I think she should do well in this business, especially if most of her clientele will be male. GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRLLLLLLL!!!!

  2. OM Gawd… a "Beauty and the Beast" story.
    Trying to suppress the "visual."

    Funny places those BIG ASSED Nunny signs are popping up (gotta be big and it's only his big fat head showing). One is just outside what I thought is the JP landfill on Hwy. 90, Waggaman on what I would think is public right of way/servitude. Another on WB Expwy., Marrero (still Hwy. 90, really) outside of a River Birch connected subdivision. Again, next to the road. Coincidence??

  3. Turtle : You and I are both prophets cause I was thinking the same thing.But I'm prophesying its not in the cards for him as he looks a little rejected there. But then again being from Plaque he could get caught up in the big brown eyed ladies crab trap.

  4. Thanks again Slabbed!!

    The people in Plaquemines have had enough of Bubba. As we've stated before, Bubba aka Nunny has kept Plaquemines Parish in a constant State of Emergency since taking office in 2007 for one reason or another. I'm sure with the Marsh Fire and smoke in Southeast Louisiana, Nunny is about to proclaim Plaquemines Parish State of Emergency #967.

    So while Plaquemines wallows in its latest SOE, high grass, trash, bad levees, clogged ditches and canals, infrastruture conjestion, bad parish roads, a lawsuit over whether or not the parish owns the property it bought for the new courthouse, a lawsuit over the proposed parish Charter, a lawsuit over a WalMart development backed by Nunny, landfill issues, bridge and tunnel issues, members of his administration rating out Citizens for attending public meetings, Federal Grand Jury subpoenas hanging over his administration, Nunny is running around this State with a few parish employees in tow, pretending he gets things done and lying about the things he said he got done -all evidence to the contrary Nunny, and if you were in Plaquemines Parish you'd see it.

  5. David Vitter endorsed Billy Nungesser for Lt. Governor! Do you think Vitter checked with the US Attorney's office to see if Nungesser was really under investigation. Why else would he go out on a limb for that bloated blowhard?

  6. NAAS…thank you for illuminating the 'White Elephant' in the election booth (pun intended) …

    Letten and Vitter are Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso as much as Paul Connick, mini-me Roberts, Lagasse and the rest of the Council of Clowns …

    Of course they have a head's up … and that would explain why Roberts' who illegally spent some $300,000 of his campaign fund for personal pleasure items such as a Mardi Gras float, tractor to pull the float, an antique fire engine, hot dog cart, dues for carnival organizations, beads, snow ball stand etc, etc, (Price is in prison for 42 months for spending $8,000) as Roberts continues too run for office and raise exorbitant amounts of monies from 'businessmen' who contract with Jefferson Parish…

    Lettenemgo's failure and/or refusal to prosecute certain corrupt politico thugs is a tell … his selective prosecution will be his legacy !!!

  7. David Vitter disgusts me. Endorsing Jim Tucker over Tom Schedler was mistake one; Schedler has been a good steward of the SOS office and deserves to be elected. Then, to compound that Vitter endorses the morally bankrupt roommate from the Canal Street brothel, Nungesser, AND dares to call Jay Dardenne a RINO. Old man Nungesser is spinning in his grave. Vitter should have called Nungesser a WINO. I fucking hate career politicians. They will be the demise of democracy.

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