We have breaking news from Nova Scotia!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folks a quick programming note. I’m working on Part 3 of my series on Trout Point Lodge and how it fits into the broader Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal but just received word of new developments in Nova Scotia. These are not my developments to break but here is a hint:


6 thoughts on “We have breaking news from Nova Scotia!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. I can't speculate about your news but I wonder if the Trout Point Lodge realizes it may soon be in the weather news and preparing to evacuate.Irene looks like she may want to visit Obama and Congress and then if she not too tired possibly drop in on the Lodge for a little surfing, sand excavating,house elevation/floating or how about roof surfing.

    Maybe you should send the Lodge some pictures and pointers on how to survive on a roof and the strong, latent character building effects of such an adventure.

    Keep kickin'ass and taking names.

  2. Please whack me upside the head with an obvious stick, Three men register a business and borrow money to develop and market said business. Once money is in the till, they dissolve the business and don't tell the lender. Sounds like fraud to me. Then two start up a new business and the new name gets all the marketing and promotion the money for the dissolved business received. Huh? Is this a two for one special, buy the trout, we'll toss in some cheese?
    For 3 years they carry on like it is nobody's business — oh, so that is what nobody's business means, I get it ha ha ha. Okay, so they are meeting their loan payments, showing the lender around when necessary, filing the paperwork, and then what? The lender apparently wakes up and says hang on, what happened to that registered company we invested in, you did what?, hell no, we are calling in the loan.
    So they ask for their money back, presumably, and I am lost. How did this suddenly become about nationality and sexuality? Did they write a check in full for repayment and somebody said we don't take money from gay Americans? Is that why buddy kept pointing to a bank account with money in it like the loan would just be repaid by osmosis? I am lost.
    And what was all the whining about you just want him and his address? Isn't that also fraud having someone pose as your backer, and then back quietly out of the deal? For fraud's sake, where is an RCMP officer when a person has questions?

  3. Novelle : Dudley Do-right is just the RCMP officer to ask as he can ride backwards on his faithful horse and rescues damsels in distress which you appear to be in with your reasonable, inquiring mind.

    Last time I heard he was lost in Wiggins,La. and his last reported position was a tall pine tree.

  4. Post Turtle : Well, if he does consult with them on evacuation its most assuredly to Mt.Hermon with all their rubber duckies, floaties and organic cookbooks in tow.

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