BREAKING: Snake State Farm facing criminal investigation in Texas over Hurricane claims handling

Gee folks what else is new?  I wonder who the boogie man will be this time now that Dickie Scruggs isn’t around.

Texas’ Gregg Cox better get ready because when Ed Rust feels threatened he does very nasty things to people.  James Robie now sleeps with the fishes so Ed may need to break out the Wiretapper but I can pretty much guarantee Skadden partner Sheila Birnbaum will be slithering about. Gregg this will get very nasty indeed dude.

ABC News has all the skinny.


5 thoughts on “BREAKING: Snake State Farm facing criminal investigation in Texas over Hurricane claims handling”

  1. Dang rite bro’, political tings done grown ass huge in da’ Sportsman Paradise.

    And too bad dat big snake pet done ain’t squeeze crap out and eaten tis’ masters, namely Jim Brown and Jimbo”The Clown” Donalon who done been feedin’ it slimy “Named Storm Deductibles”, live claimants and course da’ Citizens

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