Aaron Broussard is “getting nuttier and nuttier”, files a defamation suit against NOLA.com commenter CampStBlue

Slabbed has said all sorts of uncomplimentary things about the disgraced former Parish Prez yet we do not get sued by the Goatherder in Chief….well actually we did through his property managers at the Trout Point Development near East Kempt Nova Scotia, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary.

What can I say folks except someone writing Aaron Broussard is getting nuttier and nuttier is speaking the truth as far as I can tell but opinions like that one are not generally not actionable defamation here in the US but then again no one accused Broussard attorney Robert Jenkins of being anywhere near Perry Mason’s zipcode in terms of legal talent so the jackassery continues.  Gordon Russell at NOLA has all the skinny on the latest SLAPP suit to be filed by Team Goatherder in this saga, as Broussard a Jefferson Parish resident, choose the NOLA CDC as his venue for the suit, which won’t last long IMHO.

Catching up Team Broussard has been busy, filing a change of venue motion with Judge Head back on the 31st.  This comes on the heels of an attempt to have the charges against him dismissed, a move which Team USA ridiculed in its reply briefs to Judge Head.  If I may be so bold as to suggest Gulfport as a great place to hold Broussard and Wilkinson’s trial with Hattiesburg as a strong alternate.  I personally don’t give a shit where they have it because I will enjoy seeing Broussard twist in agony when the guilty verdicts are read, no matter the locale of the venue.

Tick tock, tick tock.


8 thoughts on “Aaron Broussard is “getting nuttier and nuttier”, files a defamation suit against NOLA.com commenter CampStBlue”

    1. They are both grasping at straws trying to get Sal Perricone to a civil depo so they can conduct a fishing expedition on the investigation. To be clear Perricone’s actions were unethical and we’ve been innovators in pointing that out but nothing he wrote is defamatory to either Heebe or Broussard.

      That said Perricone has himself and Errol Laborde at NOLA Ragazine to thank for this with that bullshit quote about not remembering CampStBlue. This is what Broussard is trying to exploit but in order to unmask an internet commenter Broussard must essentially make a prima facie defamation case and CampStBlue has a right to representation. As with most Goatherder legal jackassery the arguments generally crumble under the strong light of the law and after reading the suit I am convinced it will not go anywhere.

      If I may be so bold to recommend to Campy my lawyer Bobby Truitt for the task of dispatching this suit I highly recommend him.


  1. Let me see if I’ve got this right. Broussard is suing ‘John Doe’ for defamation but did not join his former CAO Whitmer or his his former wife Karen Parker or himself as indispensable parties to this lawsuit. And what about the Federal Grand Jury, the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office being named as defendants also. This is beyond jackassary; this is an act of idiocy.

  2. Was Perricone in office when he was making the remarks? If John Doe were Pericone possibly that would open another can of worms.

    My guess is that it is a fishing expidition designed to identify an enemy.

    1. He was and we all think Perricone was CampStBlue along with his acknowledged internet aliases Henry L Mencken 1951 etc. His comments on the Heebe investigation were sufficient to have the local US Attorney Jim Letten recused from the Heebe prosecution but not from the Broussard prosecution.

      I’ll have more on the suit and Broussard’s new lawyer who sources are indicating to me is a white version of Robert Jenkins in that he’ll be his client’s patsy or put another way this is glorified pro se representation.


  3. I hope Aaron Broussard retained the likes of Kim Boyle and Nan Allessandra to represent him in this defamation/blogger suit. They have been so successful in the past representing the Parish, then changing hats in midstream to represent the media types (read “Times Picayune”) in defense of such. Phelps Dunbar’s lawyers never met an ethical conflict they didn’t like.

    69 x DT (diameter of smallest testicle) x RPM( Revolutions Per Mouth) = “Nuttier and Nuttier”

    Call for LAS =
    Lance Armstrong Surgery
    And,if Broussard calls LAS today he could also get a LSU baseball signed by Coach Manieri to play with in Court

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