Aaron the peeps have been telling tales on you…….

I wonder if there was any piece of Parish business you didn’t try to scam dude. Your daughter in law is being squeezed by Team Fed and others have been implicated. It is a story of graft that will mesmerize the entire Slabbed Nation.

With that said, those that followed my twitter timeline know I spent most of yesterday meeting with members of the Slabbed underground that gave me both excellent information and cash to fight off Broussard’s do bitches in Nova Scotia. It occured to me that there are lots of you folks in the Slabbed Nation whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting.

If you belong to a civic group or even select law firms in Metro NOLA and you guys wish to meet me in the flesh to talk about free speech and the internet, Jeffers0n Parish Corruption or whatever else we’ve covered on Slabbed, I’d be happy to meet and greet with the proviso that we pass the hat for those wishing to give love offering.

In other news I am happy to report that someone (I don’t think we need to think hard on the identity) has decided it wise to pretext my name to certain Ymail, Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail accounts to send hate mail promising that I will be defending litigation for the next 20 years or until I am bankrupt whichever comes first. From the same anonmized IP address there were a couple of comments from you know who left on the Wanted Poster post.

I mention this because there is great speculation as to whether, given all the skeletons the girls have in their backgrounds down here, if they actually exhibit enough cojones to file that judgment in Circuit Court here on the coast, exposing themslves to counter claims and a possible Federal grand jury subpoena (it would actually be worse news if they don’t get invited).  About half of those folks that talk to me that also well remember Aaron Broussard selling those shares in Trout Point Lodge to select individuals tell me no one, including the girls are that nuts.

OTOH the other half point out that Trout Point Lodge owner Danny Abel’s behavior in court over the past several years has been highly erratic as witnessed by the sanctions levied against him last December in Gates v Strain for sending three 22nd JDC judges subpoenas without first obtaining leave from the Federal Court. My own opinion is that to the extent Leary and Perret have gone on the record in Canada saying they were coming here, if they don’t, their latest PR blitz will fall apart under the weight of its own bullshit so I agree with the second line of thought.

I mention all this because free speech under our constitution sometimes is not free and that is a point the girls want to drive home to each and everyone of the Slabbed Nation.  Telemachus is in hiding and I have noticed a chilling effect of our SLAPP happy girlie men has had on certain other Slabbed commenters. That is OK folks because while this is a battle that I do not want to fight, it is one that I am fully prepared to engage in because of the principles involved. Please visit Slabbed.Org to find out how you can help.

I’ll add that to the extent we speak on topical legal and political issues IMHO a law firm, PR firm and politically oriented enterprises could support Slabbed and obtain a Dues and Subs writeoff under Section 162(a).  If you require a receipt Slabbed New Media will happily provide one along with a W-9.  As always the standard disclaimer to please consult your own tax advisor to verify my free advice.

There is lots happening behind the scenes as I prepare the battleground. Please check in with us frequently for updates and tell your friends there is an independent media voice called Slabbed that is a must read right along side the local media giants such the folks over at NOLA.com.

I have a series of posts coming today that I think will be very well received.
