Slabbed presents audit workpapers complete with after the fact spin: A case study in financial incompetence

Here is a 2013-2014 Audit workpaper that consists of a document obtained from City files:

Source: Bay St Louis City official not authorized to disclose information to the media
Source: Bay St Louis City official not authorized to disclose information to the media

Here is a related partial late payment dated a few weeks later:

Source: Bay St Louis City official not authorized to disclose information to the media
Source: Bay St Louis City official not authorized to disclose information to the media

Now for some after the fact spin courtesy of the Mississippi Municipal league, who are now helping Mayor Fillingame cover up the financial problems. Continue reading “Slabbed presents audit workpapers complete with after the fact spin: A case study in financial incompetence”

Other Voices | Eye Spy: Failure to confront evil contributes to failure of war on terror

My Fellow Americans,

I would recommend any reader of Slabbed Nation to click on the link below and read this touching and very real story. I encourage all who read it, to read each and every word to get the full effect: I promise you’ll be enlightened as to what our military solders are facing.

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies ~ Joseph Goldstein

I am all for the war on terror but I have personally felt the way it has been handled has been incorrect. Among other things, we have solders being sent to the front lines to battle radical Islam but are told to ignore evil acts of humanity occurring right before their eyes. I am sure some people will jump up and automatically blame Obama but these little political games most likely have been happening for years in different shapes and forms. These political games
never would have been accepted during World War II or Korea. It seems that our solders are now required to complete a detailed checklist each and every time prior to firing a shot at the real enemy that threatens them or other innocent people. If any minute detail is missed then they are often subjected to extreme disciplinary action by our own government.

Our own people are toeing the lines fighting against evil regimes and acts against humanity but are told to ignore local elites who are getting blow jobs from little boys while shackling others. Continue reading “Other Voices | Eye Spy: Failure to confront evil contributes to failure of war on terror”

Just another day in a darn busy week

And last night around 11:00pm Slabbed went off line but no one visiting at that late hour had any idea due to the wonders of a global CDN we now use. Even better, I’m now proficient enough in command line Linux to actually diagnose and fix the problem. The exercise brings back memories of using MS-DOS with 5 and a quarter inch floppies and programming in Basic back in 1984.

In any event how about some links. First up for those wanting to find out if government sponsored entertainment events/concerts makes sense financially check this out:

Report: Biloxi concert generated positive feedback but not revenue ~ Mary Perez

I personally have no problems with public funds underwriting civic events once in a while to mark special occasions but anyone that thinks these type of expenditures makes any sort of economic sense doesn’t understand basic finance or economics.

Now some more links, first up from ignorance of the First Amendment is no excuse files:

U.S. Judge Upholds Right to Scrawl Nasty Note on Speeding Ticket Payment ~ Benjamin Weiser

The best of the rest:

Experts: Talk now about drastic changes, or deal with coastal crisis later ~ Bob Marshall Continue reading “Just another day in a darn busy week”

The Pressure is showing all ’round the edges

And when this baby blows it should be spectacular!

The only thing I could possibly add is that having a good set of books along with a well functioning back office is the end result of one thing and one thing only in making the commitment to make that happen. All the gyrations, smoke, mirrors and assorted bullshit is just that folks: gyrations, smoke, mirrors and bullshit.

The only downside to doing things right is that also ends all the subterfuge, which also explains the years of inaction.

My spidey senses tell me the resurrection of Diaper Dave…..

Is rooted firmly in the local sewer. A clue lies in the players displayed on the stage:

  • The candidates in Vitter and Dardenne.
  • The forum in the Loyola law school and the sponsor in the Alliance for Good Government. As luck would have it I have some background coming on the Jefferson Parish Alliance.

If it smells like dead hot tuna and it involves the endorsement industrial complex, this must mean an election in Louisiana is close at hand. The stage players are for show, its the people pulling the strings where my interest lies:

David Vitter responds to question about prostitution scandal ~ Julia O’Donoghue

Todd Price asks a darn good question in comments.

Methinks the cycle has turned to spin….

So here I find myself this Saturday working on the day jobs including trying to arrange the massive amount of information I still have to present on the new Jackson County Adult Warehouse Detention Center when off in the distance I heard a sound (ooops wrong sound this one), which is the sound of the local spin cycle starting.

Rest assured I am paying very close attention to this matter. Even better coming soon Slabbed will do something we’ve never done and that is present an actual audit workpaper because the proof lies in the contemporary documentary evidence, not after the fact spin or self-serving backfill.

The Fillingame Administration has made a major mess. The exercise of finding out who is taking ownership of it is quite enlightening.