4 thoughts on “Porteous Impeachment Coda: Claude Lightfoot tossed”

  1. Was “Hotfoot” indicted for conspiracy in the Porkeous’ bankruptcy and concealment of Porkeous’ assets or was it Hotfoot’s own bankruptcy ?

    The Order did not specify whose bankruptcy and whose assets. If it was Porky’s bankruptcy and assets why wasn’t Porky indicted as a co- conspirator?

    Gee, what’s Hotfoot gunna do for $$$$ or did he make enough $$$$ as a bankruptcy attorney and a “Cracker Jack” ( you know da’ popcorn wit a prize inside) ex-U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee?

    B.I.B.L.E -‘Pride comes before great falls’. May God Bless you Hotfoot and may you see the Light one day.

  2. This must be something else, unrelated to the “G. Thomas Porteous” matter, for which Lightfoot was “let off easy” for filing in the name of “G.T. Orteus”, to deflect the public’s attention from Judge Porteous, who was his “true” bankruptcy client. What I am wondering is: WHEN WILL THE PUBLIC DEMAND THAT PLATTSMIER HIMSELF BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE FOR CRIMES HE HAS COMMITTED AGAINST ME, INCLUDING PERJURY, FRAUD, AND “WORSE”? I can provide “chapter-in-verse”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Given the date sequence of events one can only conclude the ODC really missed it badly the first time they had a chance to send a message they were serious about basic issues of integrity in the bar.


      Somewhere back on these pages in a comment or post it was mentioned that Claude Lightfoot was indicted. I know more than just a little of the backstory on the wet noodle part. You may remember Lightfoot’s wife, an employee of WWL TeeVee fought and then died from cancer in that same time period. With the ODC quite frankly it was the good ol boys taking care of one of their own. Jim Letten had other ideas because bankruptcy fraud is highly illegal —- for everyone including Claude Lightfoot. The media connection explains why the criminal problem did not receive greater exposure.

      There is a judicial candidate here on the coast that has a very similar issue in their background. The attorney associated with that case is now deceased. That topic is ready to roll.

  3. While we can sympathize with you, Mr. Dwyer, the greater scandal is the fact that the ODC and its myriad “gatekeepers” function to insulate and immunize those who are “connected” with the major firms. Justice is a joke, particularly for the rank-and-file plaintiffs who go into court only to get hosed over in the lopsided “jousts.”
    Indeed, reading one of the websites of one the gatekeepers, it is startling and telling that the “gatekeeper” was boating of having zeroed out a fellow who was characterized by the attorney as having $300,000 in medical bills. Frankly, that was a “win” which anyone with a sense of decency would simply put away. Yet THAT is the type of character we have guarding the henhouse??
    At this rate, we’d do just as well grabbing some one off the street without a background in law and set about achieving a “rough sense of justice,” to quote one of the leading lights of tort law.

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