Attention Eric Holder of Washington DC……

There are a couple of my peeps down here that contacted you to register their displeasure at how this DMR thing worked out. To the extent they took the time to engage your office I think it would be nice if those folks heard back from you or one of your staff. Mac, for example, hit the beach a little over a year ago protesting the systemic corruption and she is not getting any younger. It would be nice if she at least got some sort of communication from you guys acknowledging her letter.

As always I thank you guys up DC way for being in that number here on Slabbed.

Slabbed, Still Louisiana’s News Leader

Excuse me while I take a victory lap folks.

Man claims he was jailed as retribution for giving FBI information about Walter Reed ~ Sara Pagones and Gordon Russell

Lawsuit claims DA Walter Reed had man arrested because he provided info to FBI ~ Heather Nolan