Jim Brown’s weekly column: Tornado alley advice from Wizard of Oz

Thursday, May 30th, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


In spite of all the turmoil and tragedy visited on the little town of Moore, Oklahoma last week, one fact stands out: Every family with a storm cellar survived. No one who went to underground protection was killed or even injured. For the rest who tried to find protection above ground, it was a crapshoot. So why isn’t it mandatory that all structures in tornado prone areas, especially schools and other public buildings, have storm shelters?

Moore is in the part of the country that is known as Tornado Alley and City planners, know well that “below – ground shelters are the best protection against tornadoes.” Yet there is no specific building code that requires them. On the City of Moore web site, the recommendations are quite clear in stating that “every residence should have a storm safe room or underground cellar.”

Tornadoes are nothing new in this part of the country. In the Moore area alone, four major tornados have hit since 1998. In 201l, a major tornado swept through southern Missouri and Oklahoma causing some two billion dollars in damages. In fact, some 22 tornadoes have struck in or near Moore, killing more than 100 people since the town was incorporated in1893, according to the National Weather Service. Continue reading………….

One thought on “Jim Brown’s weekly column: Tornado alley advice from Wizard of Oz”

  1. One would expect those constantly whining “for the children” to have a hidey-hole. What about the building contractors? Obviously the education extortionist lobby and their “associates” aren’t exactly concerned on this matter – might just siphon off some bucks.

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