11 thoughts on “Slabbed is live on location at the United States District Courthouse in New Orleans!”

  1. How in the wide wide world of Sports can this epic display of douchebaggery not be sanctioned?

      1. The two factual tweets in the otherwise short proceedings caused enough problems.

        She took our request for fees under advisement.

        1. Howard and Dick hanging out in the hallway, searching for and interviewing any goatherders they’d happen to spot…Howard attempting to explain SLAPPs and organic goat cheese…Dick getting in a confrontation at teh front desk of some Super 8 while looking for some legal department…

  2. If I understand correctly, the court was miffed by the twitter coverage? Did someone outside the court room tip off Abel or the judge?

    1. Yes and yes (judge in chambers).

      Judge Morgan let me know her courtroom was not social media positive. After seeing so many court cases live tweeted including USA v Broussard where I participated alongside a who’s who of the local mediascape, the fact it would be a problem did not occur to me.

  3. Doug, take a cue from treatment meted out to some ecotypes in Barbier’s court, although they did go the extra step of filming (strictly taboo) with phones, still, the prohibitory rule allows for no exceptions. Good for you Susie is not an ass intent on victimizing contestants in court (and obviously would have looked bad, not having an even hand on sanctions.)

    Sad to see yet another judge not being a judge, though, as to officers of the court who purportedly know better. I just hope she is uniform in casting a blind eye to transgressions.

    1. His arguments for mercy included everything in his brief which essentially said he does not know the difference between a subpoena and a public records request.

      What did Barbier do to the ecotypes?

      1. Perhaps Daniel G. Abel can use the “I don’t know the difference” song and dance in response to the motion filed against him yesterday at the US 5th Circuit.

        This sums it up:

        The plaintiffs and their counsel have no qualms about pursuing legally and factually unsupported litigation. This is the Webbs

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