Like a lead balloon: “Bill filed to allow lease of Jefferson Parish hospitals without vote of the people”

And with 6 co-sponsors no less.  Here comes another backroom deal for which Jefferson Parish is famous.

Bill filed to allow lease of Jefferson Parish hospitals without vote of the people ~ Drew Broach

I’m fairly certain the CFGG will have some response to this turn of events. Stay tuned.

Even the seeing eye dog could see it was wind damage to the McIntosh residence…….

I’m not certain brainwashed is a good term as much eveyone certainly knowing that leaving Lecky King’s reservation was bad for career longevity.

Engineer in trial over Biloxi home calls insurance adjusters ‘brainwashed’ ~ Anita Lee

And under the new NFIP rules once the insurance company gives the storm damaged homeowner (and the taxpayers) the shaft, they stick ’em with the bill for it. Multiply the above many times over and you get the picture of what the insurance companies did down here after Hurricane Katrina.