Ash Wednesday Special: Fred Heebe gets all the headlines…..

But it is Henry Mouton’s relationship with certain current and former officials in Jefferson Parish that interests me the most. Following is a letter from Henry Mouton to Angela Pacaccio where in May, 2011 he was just sooooooo helpful with the Tarpon Rodeo in Grand Isle.  Ms Pacaccio is privy to a myriad of places where bodies and bones are buried. (H/T Patricia)

Henry Mouton letter to Pacaccio (redacted)

A Slabbed first…..

Despite priding myself on not having a single facebook friend and burying the account deeply so that no one would find it, some of you good people have actually found it and sent me friendship requests. This is a stunning turn of events for a Facebook scrooge such as myself.

There is mucho activity going on here at Slabbed New Media behind the scenes and that deos not count tax season. Heed these words:

When a muckraker is quiet it means they are up to something.  😉