I was given some grief for terming certain Goatherders as “Girls”……..

But all I can say is when Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret were applying for taxpayer funded grants from the USDA, they claimed sisterhood for themselves.  Proof.

Unlike Jones Walker’s Andy Gipson, who upset the gay community quoting Leviticus in May of last year, I did not request police protection when I received death threats from misguided gay Canadians less than a year ago.  That said the good folks at the hard line Democrat resource Cottonmouth do ask a good question wondering what Jones Walker clients think about their curious associations.

As for the girls?  I simply take their own word for it.

I’ve got more coming on the US taxpayer fleecing that was Chicory Farms. (H/T Incroyable in comments)

Hard times at the Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview…….

If this doesn’t sum up Goatherdian legal jackassery in 2 short sentences nothing does….

On appeal defendant does not specifically allege that any of the requirements for entry of default judgment were not met. Rather the defendant alleges that ASAP misled the court by suggesting that there was no communication between the parties and providing material facts in its affidavits that were not true…..

Aaron Broussard’s shadow law partner Danny Abel clearly struggles at the practice of law without Wendell Gauthier’s pants to hide behind. Click the pic below the jump to get the 5 page decision. Continue reading “Hard times at the Legal Department of the Super 8 Motel on Clearview…….”