Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb

Yesterday I posted the text of a letter written to Aaron Broussard in June, 2007, a letter I obtained via Public Records Request to Jefferson Parish.  You see folks Aaron Broussard the Parish Prez and Aaron Broussard, Inc are indeed a distinction without a difference as he commingled his personal affairs with his official duties as Parish President.  To the extent he was cashing in his public service for personal gain I guess this should come as no surprise, unlike the few pleasant ones that I found going through the documents that came out of his desk last week.  😉

By now everyone knows the score with this group.  Local media outlets reported on Broussard’s use of his property at the Trout Point Development as a conduit to accept graft, a topic that federal prosecutors recently unveiled in a court filing in the Broussard payroll fraud case.  Broussard’s business agents in Nova Scotia then filed SLAPP suits against those media outlets in Nova Scotia via a practice known as libel tourism, first against the Times Picayune , then against Fox 8 and last against me.  They claim the media reported that Aaron Broussard owned Trout Point Lodge, a claim that has never been asserted on Slabbed because it was besides the point.

Multiple sources indicated to Slabbed early on that Broussard peddled all those business ventures “owned” by Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret to selected members of the public and that he had a financial interest in doing so.  What the media needed was documentary evidence of that activity and to date outside of a redacted ownership agreement in Cerro Coyote posted to Slabbed nothing has surfaced except in the court case record of the SLAPP suit against Fox 8 filed by Leary and Perret in Canada.  Those documents clearly indicated that despite Charles Leary’s public statements to the contrary, he, his wife Vaughn Perret and their sugar daddy Danny Abel were intimately involved with Broussard, as his property managers and business agents with respect to the property he owned in Canada.

Something strange happened after a Slabbed commenter linked the fact the Cerro Coyote had in fact been sold:  I began receiving inquiries from people claiming to be Cerro Coyote investors inquiring about the sale of the property.  Two of those inquiries clearly indicated those investors had received nothing after the property was sold and that they were not notified of the sale.  In fairness one was displaced by Hurricane Katrina but the other had been in fairly regular contact with Danny Abel so clearly there was a failure to communicate.

So what was Cerro Coyote about?  Let’s revisit that old post I linked yesterday and let Leary, Perret and Abel explain in their own words:

A stable pacifist democracy in Central America, Costa Rica has numerous advantages as a location for business entity formation and banking–superior to many so-called “offshore financial centers”–as well as being a superlative place to live, work, or retire.

We can provide the following services related to Costa Rica banking, Costa Rica corporations, and moving to or living in Costa Rica:

  • Costa Rica corporations, including off-the-shelf companies
  • Advice and consultation about Costa Rica corporations, their use and structure
  • Costa Rica lawyer referrals
  • Moving to and living in Costa Rica, including buying property, insurance, banking, construction management, and visas, with specific advice strucutred for Canadian and United States citizens

For more information and specific products and services, please visit our Costa Rica section.

Home of the Retiring and Living in Costa Rica Vacation Packages at the Inn at Coyote Mountain

Come stay for a three-day vacation and consult with experts Charles Leary, PhD and Vaughn Perret, JD about retiring or living in Costa Rica, starting a business, buying property, Costa Rica corporations and banking, or the construction process.

Send us an encrypted e-mail here.

Now Leary, Perret and Abel fancy themselves as quite the ex-pat experts with that 3 day seminar they were giving. They also were knowledgable about “anonymous corporations”:

Unlike its southern neighbor, Panama, Costa Rica has never developed or been classified as an offshore financial center. In yet there are a number of elements that promote using Costa Rica in this way, including:

  • Banking secrecy laws
  • Anonymous corporations
  • No tax on income earned outside of Costa Rica for both individuals and businesses
  • Stable economy and the presence of major international banks
  • No discrimination between Costa Rica residents and non-residents for tax, real property, and corporate purposes

And this brings us back to Aaron Broussard and his involvement.  You see folks Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret could have pestered Carl Eberts for years and he likely would have never bought into their harebrained business schemes.  Yet Carl was one of the original investors in Cerro Coyote and the following document clearly indicates who worked point selling him that investment:

Now who is Carl Eberts? In a moment of sweet serendipity yesterday, a reader sent me the link to the listing to the sale of 79 Trout Point Road. I did a background search on Slabbed and sure enough Ebert’s shows up just like Pravinchandra Desai with a zero property tax assessment on a major piece of commercial property in Jefferson Parish per this comment left by Telemachus, who was a focal point of Leary and Perret’s SLAPP suit against me in Canada.  I think we all understand why with the benefit of hindsight:

Look up Carl Eberts in the TP archives – Kenner government land deals, Rivertown, Kenner Development Corp, Baroni, the family of Sheriff Frank Clancy (as in Brian Dupepe (Bryan?), the lord of Laketown and jefe of the Kenner Convention Bureau is his grandson), etc., it all goes way back. And casinos. And Mamoulides. And the Galleria (via mamo). Dating back years. It’s all public record and yet not reported if that makes sense. Source: TP

Clovis & Roche – they do collections, And part of that seems to be casino collections, Maybe even in Canada. Again this is on the internet. Source: internet (google “clovis & roche” + casino)

4401 N I-10 Service Rd: – check out the assessment online: it is at zero. as in “0″. But it is obviously a commercial building with at least one major accounting/collections firm in it, not to mention several other companies between Zerangue and Eberts like Southern Land. Eberts has at least 2-3 at that same address. Source: LA SOS online database + the JP assessor site

So what does this mean? Currently the Jefferson Parish School Board is laying off teachers and money is tight in Parish Government but wealthy business people are not paying a dime of property tax on their commercial property and those business people all seem to be friends of Aaron Broussard that invested in overseas businesses operated by Danny Abel, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary. Funny how that works.

This whole deal goes back to 1998/1999, when Broussard was beginning his term of office as a Parish Councilman.  I know this because Slabbed also obtained a copy of the check Eberts wrote to buy into Cerro Coyote.  Notice he did not think of this as a glorified timeshare as some have contended to me off the record, but rather as an “investment”. This comports to what sources to Slabbed have told me regarding Broussard’s marketing of the venture all those years ago.  Time to lay that proof on the Slabb:

But that is not all folks because I also got another copy of the ownership agreement except this time there will be no redactions:

Lets recap. Aaron Broussard was selling investments in companies owned and operated by Danny Abel, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary. One of these overseas properties, the Resort Trout Point Nova Scotia has been mentioned as a conduit for bribery in a USA Attorney court filing. Another, Cero Coyote, was openly advertising banking secrecy, anonymous corporations and off shore bank accounts in tax havens using encrypted email as the contact method.

In emailed remarks to the Times Picayune, Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge claimed Broussard was just some guy with a vacation house down the road while neglecting to mention the Lodge managed that “vacation home” for several years as a rental that was indistinguishable from the Lodge itself.  Any media outlet that inquired about this subject or Leary’s lie to the Picayune in connection with the massive political corruption scandal was SLAPP sued from havens noted for libel tourism.

Given the totality of the facts and the fact Leary and Perret also sued whistleblower Anne Marie Vandenweghe  in Canada, with the help of  fellow Goatherder Carl Finley, in my mind it is not an open question of whether they knew what Broussard was doing all those years, as the facts clearly indicate they worked closely together trying to silence any inquiry into this subject matter after the connections broke in the media.

Next up on the Slabbed.  More documents and echos of the past.


5 thoughts on “Slabbed explores Aaron Broussard’s role in selling overseas investments for Danny Abel, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret as we reintroduce Cerro Coyote SA to the Slabb”

  1. apologies for being off topic but i wanted to make sure this story was read by all.

    “What exactly was the public benefit here in allowing a film to be produced at the expense of the taxpayers at very little return to us?” asked Roberts, who requested that the administration look into the matter.
    “There are a number of questions I think need to be answered,” he said. “I sincerely do not appreciate the fact that they were operating out of the council chambers. I think it is totally disrespectful to this government.”

    Lagasse also said Young and his administration should have made sure the council was aware of the episode.
    “You all don’t coordinate and you don’t talk to the council,” Lagasse said, raising his voice. “And it’s getting worse and worse.”

    1. If I were John Young, I wouldn’t talk to them either. This was a group of volunteers trying to help people in dire straits. ”
      Can’t we all just get along.”

  2. Oh brother, what a clip job was possibly done here. I assume Brother Carl, in addition to possibly being an ex- brother- in- law, might be one of many Christian brothers of Brother Broussard.

    Brother Carl, when you get the Cerro Coyote wool out from covering your eyes how about telling the brothers at the SlabbedNation how the property you supposedly own in Jefferson Parish supposedly has no commercial property assessment. and how we can remove the wool pulled over the eyes of Assessors Chehardy and Tom Capella.


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