It must be getting close to Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo time…..

And that is because Slabbed is getting site traffic from the Google search string tarpon rodeo boat sex.

Now don’t get me wrong folks, I’m completely down with a bunch of drunks having a mid summer bacchanal where there is lots public nudity and associated group acrobatics.  My beef is local politicos going on the TeeVee saying the rodeo is a family event because it clearly isn’t.

In any event potential attendees for this year’s event are getting pumped looking for info on the upcoming rodeo.


The Jefferson Parish Personnel Board bitch slaps the Young Administration

Based on what I’ve seen dating back to 2010 I personally think Jefferson Parish Personnel Board Chairman John Combe must be smoking some good stuff to write a letter to all classified Parish employees asserting the Personnel Board is independent of Parish Government. This letter has its roots in the termination of Heather Hilliard last week IMHO. Rich Rainey had a short story in yesterday’s T-P on this topic as well.

The Buddy System: GlaxoSmithKline sues Buddy Caldwell

This suit derives from GlaxoSmithKline’s unsafe drug Avandia, which is now the subject of litigation across the country. Glaxo’s suit is going after the team of private lawyers Caldwell hired to pursue the case, all major political cronies of his.  Joe Gyan has all the skinny for the Advocate for today is evidently insurance litigation reunion day here on Slabbed as we welcome back Allan Kanner, who got his balls busted badly in Ex Rel Branch. (I think by Judy “Ball Buster” Barrasso if memory serves.)


Former Barrasso firm associate Keith Magness terminated for workin’ harder but not smarter…..

I must have been on assignment on the Goat roast beat when this story broke but it has since gone viral (for good reason) as it appears Judy Barrasso had a perv on the firm payroll. We well know Judy here on Slabbed as an Ed Liddy/Tom Wilson shoe shine girl as her firm counts Allstate as a client thus she surfaced a time or two in our insurance litigation coverage.  Judy, booubie, welcome back.  🙂

And this perv of whom I speak:

Duncan alleges she was employed as an associate attorney at Barrasso, Usdin, Kupperman, Freeman & Sarver located at 909 Poydras Street in New Orleans when she became suspicious that a co-worker was stalking her after she found mysterious white stains within her office on clothing, office furniture and the carpet. Continue reading “Former Barrasso firm associate Keith Magness terminated for workin’ harder but not smarter…..”