Disgraced former Judge William Roe goes off to the Greybar Hotel as a crybaby. Is he a true piece of shit? Discuss.

Susan Poag / The Times-Picayune

Well folks what can I say except the T-P broke out their best file photo of former Plaquemines Parish Judge William Roe giving the stink eye to the camera and used it with his letter to the editor whining about the recent Times Picayune editorial about his imminent 3 month stint in the Grey Bar Hotel for petty thievery.  I’ll add I bet the gang over at Team T-P happily posted the judge’s last missive to the paper and public before entering the jailhouse, which, in the spirit of the season, the ex judge gifted to all including the Slabbed Nation.  Here is a snippet:

Your gratuitous and mean-spirited editorial must be considered another example of your rabid, irrational and hateful crusade, which exemplifies why The Times-Picayune is the second-rate paper it always has been.

Now me, I view the dispense of justice as a solemn occasion which is why you’ll rarely see me pile on a convict.  Given the judge got only 3 months for stealing $6,000 while a typical bank robber that steals half that amount gets 10 years I just don’t see what beef Roe has with the T-P beyond the fact he has the strong appearance of a thin skinned pussy that had no problem locking other people up for such petty thefts while he was busy betraying the public’s trust doing same. Continue reading “Disgraced former Judge William Roe goes off to the Greybar Hotel as a crybaby. Is he a true piece of shit? Discuss.”