BREAKING: Citizens for a Better Kenner announces Judge Kovach tells Ben Zahn and his lawsuit to take a hike.

Hot off the press folks:

Ed Lancaster, vice president for Citizens for a Better Kenner, (CFABK)

Citizens For A Better Kenner, (CFABK) is pleased that Judge Kovach, after
hours of testimony denied the request for preliminary injunction filed by
Kenner City Councilman Ben Zahn. When it was filed, CFABK thought this
lawsuit was without merit and was political in nature and designed to stop
CFABK from continuing to question the role of the City of Kenner and the
Kenner Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (KCVB), as well as Councilman Zahn’s
role, as the City of Kenner’s representative on the Board of KCVB.

We consider this a victory for the 1st amendment, said attorneys Arita
Bohannan and Ron Wilson.

Questioning government waste and inefficiency, as well as political
conflicts of interest with our elected officials is a fundamental right in a
democracy. We are happy that Judge Kovach affirmed that right.

Questioning government waste and inefficiency is a core function of Citizens
For A Better Kenner.

Ed Lancaster


3 thoughts on “BREAKING: Citizens for a Better Kenner announces Judge Kovach tells Ben Zahn and his lawsuit to take a hike.”

  1. Folks my ears were burning this afternoon and sure enough Zahn used Slabbed's post where Walt Bennetti announced his intentions to run as "proof" in support of his position today in court.

    While I'm certain Judge Kovach is a member of the Slabbed Nation it appears <del datetime="2011-08-26T00:24:28+00:00">he</del> she was not buying the coffee Team Zahn was selling. Since Team Zahn was kind enough to give us a hat tip in court I think it is only fair we dedicate a post to him and his candidacy for Parish Council District 4.


  2. Take it to them Walt . We got your back bro. You're the wrench in the Good Ole' Council Boys 7-0 Club.

    And Thank you Judge Kovach as you have proven there are some honest , good government 24th JDC judges on the bench.

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