From the two dogs fighting over the same piece of meat files….

I present today’s column by James Gill, which I found curious.  While Sir James stops well short of outright extolling the virtues of blind Judge Frank Marullo, the fact that brown paper bags have always been part of the local prostitution scene leaves me wondering why anyone is worried about the cost of room and board at parish prison for 30 street whores when the associated graft is likely staggering by comparison.

Back in the day whenever someone new took over vice at NOPD all the clubs would be raided so the proprietors understood who they needed to pay.  I wonder if something like that is in play here beyond the fine and forfeits.  All this is a fancy way of saying my instincts tell me there is a back story here worth knowing.


3 thoughts on “From the two dogs fighting over the same piece of meat files….”

  1. SOP's use of the word "curious" in describing James Gill's Op-Ed column today about the whores (were they "slave" whores or white whores?) really says it all. OR was SOP's use of the word "curious" an antecedent to Jugde Marullo's conduct in the matter? I doubt very seriously that the Judge intervened in a matter over which he had no jurisdiction, and which had not been assigned to him, because of his concern for the whores, slave or white. The critical snetence in Gill's Op-Ed is: "Attorneys for three of the alleged hookers, however, asked Criminal District Court Judge Frank Marullo to intervene and bond out their clients; it was no surprise when he did so Friday afternoon." This really is much WORSE than simple "Judge-shopping" (which it clearly was). It was done on a Friday afternoon by "insider" lawyers who obviously "had the suck" with an "approachable" Judge (never mind that the Judge had no jurisdiction, and that none of the cases were or ever could be assigned to him. unless one of the whores killed her "john" or committed an armed robbery or intentionally infected the "john" with the HIV virus). So where is Plattsmier for what the lawyers did? So where is the Judiciary Commission for what the Judge did? Ashton O'Dwyer.

  2. Ashton of all the comments you've left with us that one is certainly one of the most insightful of the bunch. Gill had a context in which to write the piece for sure but the real story is the back story here IMHO. Along those same lines the back story about the proposed Gentilly Walmart was one I never saw on the TeeVee. You know it is there the press just never reported it to my knowledge.


  3. As I commented previously and have continually…the Judicial System in Louisiana (both Judges and lawyers) is BROKEN !!!

    Ashton…there is no way to explain a cluster-fuck…which is the import of Gill's article…

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