The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past.

And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge to Parish President, from Council member to Clerk of Court, from a Chief of Police to School Board member, from Mayor to State legislator? Jefferson Parish’s Political establishment’s shocking and disturbing characterization of themselves, both in public projection and by emulating the “Thug Mentality” associated with a mafia family does in fact identify these individuals with what the adopted analogy implies, ORGANIZED CRIME!

Simply stated another way, we have a entrenched, incestuous, arrogant, self-entitlement, retirement junkie Politico Class that do what they ‘wanna do…whatz youz going to do about it?’

Here are some examples of such abominable public exhibition:

*** Downhill all the way ***

Jefferson Parish Council Chairman Aaron Broussard and his men-only travel club returned last weekend from their annual masquerade ski trip to Lake Tahoe, Nev. The trip, which started 17 years ago as a small fund-raiser for Broussard, has grown to more than 80 people.

Called the “Out of Control Patrol” ski club, the gang spent its days skiing and its nights partying, with an opening-night skit, black-tie ball and an occasional trip to Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Casino.

This year the group chose “Godfather 2000″ as its theme, with state Rep. Glenn Ansardi, D-Kenner, serving up a stellar performance during the opening-night skit in the role that Marlon Brando created for the mafia movies, according to those who attended. Other notables in the crowd included Kenner Mayor Louis Congemi, Rep. Danny Martini, R-Kenner, Rep. Joseph Toomey, R-Gretna, Jean Lafitte Mayor Tim Kerner and Jefferson Parish government attorney Tom Wilkinson.”

And then we have these ‘good fellas’ from where else but the West bank of Jefferson Parish, the Mafia’s historical home ground and backyard. Wise guys meet weekly to watch the “Sopranos”, dressed up in costume befitting their favorite character in the TV series:

“The group is made of mostly West Bank politicians. Roberts said that besides himself, those attending the dinner were Gretna Police Chief Arthur Lawson, School Board member Mark Morgan, state Sens. David Heitmeier and John Alario, state Rep. Ricky Templet, Constable Jonathan Liberto, former Sen. Chris Ullo and Judge Steve Windhorst. Other members, including Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer, couldn’t make it, Roberts said.

Unfortunately for us, the taxpayers, art has merged with reality and we are just as much a Soprano victim as any that was scripted and acted out on TV…and more so…we have to pay for this abuse and profanity!!!

Yes, for some obscene and perverse reason, politicians love their mafia references the world over. However, my research reveals that there is no other place like Jefferson Parish, that I am aware of, where the political identity of elected officials is co-opted, if not in fact fused, with their coveted image of the ‘Costa Nostra’ to such an obscene and perverse degree and with such unabashed public display.

And just to let you know who’s in control of things and put it right up in our face, we learn that a Ward (Butch) and a Porteous (Tom’s son Tim) each swore in a newly appointed Council member. What a burden it must have been for Butch to drive in from Mississippi for such a task, unlike that of his being subpoenaed as a witness for his political protégé, Jonathan Bolar’s trial in New Orleans and not being called to the stand. Then to learn that the taxpayers in Jefferson Parish have the privilege of paying for yet another Porteous to be at the public trough by taking Tim off of John Georges and Jack Capella’s payroll hands. These people are truly disgusting and shameless, and that includes the former Capella Asst and newly appointed soldier, Mike Thomas!

Think about this image alternative…given the fact that these ‘nuovo’ Mafioso of Jefferson Parish, have for generations, suffered no consequences for their illegal, unethical and immoral actions, one would have thought that they would have adopted Alfred E. Newman of MAD Magazine as their persona hero…”What, me worry?” But then again we are talking about anti-Semitic reprobates.

Then there’s the garbage…and it seems to be always, about the garbage.. and whose going to get that big fat garbage contract and why…and River Birch!!! When the mafia is involved the results are the same everywhere, even in the ‘home’ country.


Slabbed commenter Whitmergate is a member of Citizens for Good Government.

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40 thoughts on “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

  1. Count it up:

    Churchill Farms – Jedco

    Robco canal bottoms (Marcello land bought, via Gordon Konrad) – JP Council

    River Birch – built on Marcello land

    The GNOL landfill – run by Marcello’s company

    the De Weese subdivision – Marcello property

    TPC/Lapalco/Nicole development in Avondale put forth by Coulon, Broussard, Joe Marcello and Don Randon (with KB Homes & Shaw)

    Was the LaSalle tract Marcello property? How about the area around Elmwood?

    Gate you should know… supposedly Michael O’Brien’s son, Michael W. O’Brien (Jr.?), is running for JP Council District 1 (maybe that’s Chris Roberts’ old seat?). When asked if as a JP councilmember he would vote for buying Marcello properties, he replied, “One bad egg spoils the bunch! It’s hard to penalize a family’s opportunity just because of one bad egg. If they have land of value we should take advantage of it.” Yeah, such a good family except for that one black sheep (who gave them every penny and hectare they have through thievery, murder, corruption, illegal gambling & bookmaking, intimidation, extortion, slum-lording, notorious bar/club running, and narcotics dealing, and all that it took to enforce that…).

    And George Peterson is running (a George Peterson II with Lawrence Chehardy once sold property to Minacore (Marcello) investments, same guy?) for District 3. Not sure if that’s the same guy or a relative, or not, but…. while at times he seemed pro-reform (given prior criticisms of the prior administration, to use one of their own euphamisms) he also appears more than buddy-buddy with Chris Roberts I believe. Not sure who he falls in with or what kind of pol he would make.

    In any case, it’s like Doritos, don’t worry, they’ll make more.

  2. I mean really, look under every rock.

    If there is a big deal in JP…. who is pushing it:

    Remember Broussard’s trip to Los Angeles (El-Lay)?

    A Marcello venture:

    “Indeed, Jefferson may have a gem of its own within 90 days, as West Bank land owner Joseph Marcello continues negotiating with Los Angeles Center Studios to build a production complex on his property south of the Churchill Technology & Business Park in Avondale, for which he donated 40 acres.

    Dan Randon, president of the real estate firm that represents Marcello , said the agreement with Sunset-Gower, formerly Columbia Pictures, bodes well for Marcello ‘s plan, which could be sealed by November.”

    “Even so, Lee and Broussard said they will head to California next month to lobby Los Angeles Center Studios and other filmmakers to consider establishing facilities in Jefferson Parish.

    Broussard said he has been contacted by at least 10 studios since a state tax-incentive program that took effect in July 2002 offered investors a 15 percent tax credit on the cost of productions valued at $8 million or more.

    Councilman Chris Roberts said the parish president pushed hard to get Sunset-Gower. “He made it very clear to them that he would do everything in his power to get them to Jefferson Parish,” Roberts said. ”

    Full article – 8.3.05 TP:

    “””Plans for a $20 million film and TV production studio in Algiers caught neighboring Jefferson Parish leaders by surprise.

    During the past year, Sunset-Gower Studios had proposed building its facility in West Jefferson, possibly on vacant property touted as the last bastion of expansion in the ballooning suburban parish, Jefferson officials said.

    “I had no idea that they were looking at Algiers,” said Parish President Aaron Broussard , who said he spoke with top studio personnel at least twice in the past year about vacant property, public infrastructure and tax packages that the parish might have offered to land the project.

    Broussard and several Parish Council members said they were disappointed that the complex, with five sound stages, digital postproduction facilities and 200,000 square feet of office space, will make its home in New Orleans and a swath of land in Gretna owned by the Kern family, best known for its elaborate Carnival floats.

    An alternate route?

    Officials agreed that the deal, part of the state’s mounting crusade to develop a major motion picture film industry, does not kill Jefferson’s chances of sowing its own movie culture, but they split on how best to secure for the parish a piece of the still-uncertain prize of making southeast Louisiana into Hollywood South.

    Indeed, Jefferson may have a gem of its own within 90 days, as West Bank land owner Joseph Marcello continues negotiating with Los Angeles Center Studios to build a production complex on his property south of the Churchill Technology & Business Park in Avondale, for which he donated 40 acres.

    Dan Randon, president of the real estate firm that represents Marcello , said the agreement with Sunset-Gower, formerly Columbia Pictures, bodes well for Marcello ‘s plan, which could be sealed by November.

    “It really is positive news for us, because it shows that more and more attention is being focused on this area by major players, giving more credibility to the New Orleans area as an area in which to locate a film facility,” Randon said.

    Though Randon is confident that production of made-for-TV movies, commercials and major motion pictures would provide enough work for two or more major studios in the New Orleans area, Councilman Byron Lee said he doesn’t “believe that this market at this point is large enough to support two large studios.”

    Instead, Jefferson may have to market itself to film production support facilities, such as back lots and sound stages, said Lee, whose district includes Churchill Farms.

    “If you have two studios and each of them is catering to different elements of the market, then I think there is room,” he said.

    Not giving up

    Until Sunset-Gower breaks ground in Algiers, however, Lee said he intends to continue lobbying the company, which is owned by Global Innovation Partners, an equity investor group in Hollywood, Calif., to consider a Jefferson address. “We are not necessarily going to fold our hands based on just an announcement,” he said.

    State Rep. Jeff Arnold, D-Algiers, said Algiers officials will fight to make sure the studio plan comes to fruition.

    “We’re going to dig in to get our studio,” he said. “We’ve got our feet on the ground.”

    Even so, Lee and Broussard said they will head to California next month to lobby Los Angeles Center Studios and other filmmakers to consider establishing facilities in Jefferson Parish.

    Broussard said he has been contacted by at least 10 studios since a state tax-incentive program that took effect in July 2002 offered investors a 15 percent tax credit on the cost of productions valued at $8 million or more.

    Councilman Chris Roberts said the parish president pushed hard to get Sunset-Gower. “He made it very clear to them that he would do everything in his power to get them to Jefferson Parish,” Roberts said.

    Valuable land deal

    Broussard said he put studio executives in touch with the Jefferson Economic Development Commission, which is directing the tech park project. In the end, neither JEDCO nor the parish could give the studio a land deal at Churchill Farms like the one offered by the Kern family.

    “I recognize that every group that talks to me is shopping around,” Broussard said. “Obviously, if you can get free land, that is the major consideration.”

    Roberts, whose district includes Gretna, said Sunset-Gower, though not based in Jefferson, will provide jobs to residents throughout the region. He said he hopes the studio will hire Jefferson vendors to provide catering and other services and that directors will consider using parish buildings and neighborhoods as movie sets.

    Council Chairman Tom Capella said he accepts Sunset-Gower’s decision to put down roots in Algiers. But he is confident that Jefferson can entice other movie investors, including a group affiliated with actor John Goodman, with which Capella said he has worked directly.

    “Given the tax breaks and the success of the movies that have been made here, I think it can work . . . if we showed them our Southern hospitality and that we mean business down here,” he said.”””

    – Seriously, how much of the Broussard/Gegenheimer push to bring in movie production work had the ultimate goal of using Marcello properties in Elmwood and the west bank to houset he studios?

    Apparently the only thing that stops these idiots is the capacity for demanding top dollar for what is basically crummy property.

  3. To Whitmergate: I’d sleep so much better if YOU were the Head of the local Federal Bureau of Constipation, instead of David “You’re NOT Welcome”, or the Eastern District U.S. Attorney instead of Jim “Lettenemgo”. Ya no wad ah meen? I said: “Ya no wad ah meen?” Huh? Ya no wad ah meen? Ashton O’Dwyer (all the way from TUNIS

  4. It has been repeatedly said and postulated by psychologists in numerous Bestseller books that by mere Positive Thinking you can become whatever you want or think you desire to become. Its evident that these miscreants desire and think they are untouchable mafiosos and indeed they have in actuality become exactly that and more, namely Silicone Dons thinking nothing can stick to them.

    These Jefferson politico mafiosos need to be shocked out of their arrogant, childish imaginations and mafia personas and into the real world where mafia soldiers regularly do prison time.

    So lets indict some of the Black Hatters and other mafia wannabees and assign them real mafia prison time based on their more than evident organized crime conspiracies. Perhaps in prison they will meet real hardcore ,slit your throat or gig your liver, gang types and realize their fun time persona developed over time into a bad vocational choice.

  5. Gate, UNBELIEVABLE, just unbelievable.


    I do not even see a link on for this and I have no idea why not…..

    Basically Mike Thomas (with Young holding his hands in the air, saying ‘sure why not’ is of course proposing that if the Inspector General (IG) proposal fails then the Council just rescind the tax it is based on.

    This of course turns the IG proposal into a referendum on a tax – which it is not suppsoed to be – and we ALL KNOW how Jp residents love voting against taxes.

    This is fraud on the highest level, these people have no ethical boundaries.


    Noce deouble entendre there by Rainey in the title too:

    “Measure turns off the lights , maybe …”

    As Jefferson Parish voters mull whether to create an inspector general’s office this fall, interim Parish Councilman Mike Thomas said he is making plans to put the people’s money where he thinks it belongs should things go awry.

    He will introduce a resolution Wednesday asking his colleagues to end the collection of $1.2 million in taxes for street lighting should voters decline to reassign the money to pay for the inspector general.

    “My thing is, if the people vote not to approve the inspector general and we don’t need the money for street lighting, then why are we collecting it?” Thomas said.

    An exchange between Thomas and Parish President John Young in May sparked Thomas ‘ resolution. Thomas had asked whether Young considered the $1.2 million, roughly half of the street lighting budget, as surplus that should not be gathered from taxpayers. Young responded that the money was still needed in other areas of government, using the dwindling general fund as an example.

    The debate raised eyebrows, considering that most parish revenue, street lighting money included, is dedicated and cannot be moved from one department to another without a ballot measure. That includes moving it to the general fund.

    Young clarified his comments Friday. He said rededicating the money to the general fund was an option to consider, not necessarily to enforce.

    “What I was saying was, at the end of the day, you always want to leave your options open,” he said.

    Young said Thomas ‘ resolution simply offers another possiblity.

    “I’m not opposed to a refund, and I’m not opposed to other options that might benefit taxpayers in other ways,” he said.

    Thomas ‘ measure, if approved, could be overturned at any time by a council vote. It also would not go into effect until voters make a decision Oct. 22 on the creation of an inspector general’s office, Thomas said.

    While he said he supports an inspector general’s office, Thomas expressed some doubt as to what voters might do. He suggested that voters might consider the creation of an internal auditor position and the hiring of an ethics compliance officer, both recent developments, as adequate reform measures.

    And he used the elections in April of veteran politicians Tom Capella as assessor and Chris Roberts as an at-large council member to show that people appear to trust the way incumbents are running the government.

    “In terms of the inspector general, I don’t know what the people are going to want to do,” Thomas said. +++++++++++++++++++”I think if you look at Tommy’s election and look at Chris’s election, when they got 75-plus percent of the vote, that the electorate doesn’t really think that the people who are there now have done anything wrong. … So maybe they’re going to say, ‘You know what? It’s over. The bad guys are gone. We’ve fixed that.’

    “We’ve established some new things, some new safeguards and some new officers, and that may be enough for them.” “

    1. Just another ring around the rosie Rocheblave. The Parish had internal auditors but fired them citing Katrina and an expected decline in sales tax revenue as the reason. Of course anyone with an ounce of economic sense knew taxes were going to boom locally due to rebuilding but Noodles issues bonds for money he doesn’t need anyway.

      Now the council is willing to starve itself of revenue in order to help defeat the IG initiative saying internal auditors may be better. The fact is everytime they could steer money to their owners like L.P. Sisung they did and everytime they could get rid of any oversight they have.

      Even now I do not think the machine completely understands what is coming.


  6. Man I hope you’re right. If the IG thing fails it will be beyond dismaying.

    I heard a rumor about Thomas a while back about something he got away with in the purchasing department… no substantiation so I won’t repeat it, but exactly the kind of thing an IG would help root out (besides all the big stuff there is a myriad of ‘pennies from the 7-11 tray’ variety connivery that would be uncovered or blocked)…

    … anywhere here’s the link.

  7. Thomas is a thief…and he knows we know it … And I hope he sues to prove otherwise…his actions were covered up by his golf partner and another Wilkinson lackey, Valenti…

    This is the legacy that continues to reek out from the Parish Atty’s Office run by the felons, Wilkinson and Barton…

    And by the way, might I remind this POS Thomas that Roberts and Capella getting 75% of a 12% turnout of 287,000 registered voters does not a mandate make !!!!

    The resolution by this “knob-jobber” Thomas is exactly the end run expected by mini-me Roberts et al to posture the IG vote as a tax vote…

    These JP Political Mafiosos are an absolute and unmitigated disgrace…

  8. sop, re your comment above re “Even now I do not think the machine ( JP machine) completely understands what is coming.”

    Well, I hope something is coming in the way of indictments and soon; but, so far appears Letten & Co. are sure taking their sweet time..(if ,indeed, they are going to indict anyone with the J.P. government wrongdoing).

    But, until an indictment (s) comes down, I believe it will continue to be business as usual in Jefferson Parish…throw in a good dose of Jefferson Parish voter apathy/ disinterest/ and outright ignorance with what is going on…why would the jefferson politicos have any interest in getting on the straight and narrow…?

    In a recent Jefferson Parish Council meeting, at the end of the meeting, any citizen who wishes to come up and address the Council can do so on any subject….this is the time when anyone can address the J.P. Council -on any subject of interest to that citizen as involves Jefferson Parish issues…in the last meeting only one (1) J.P. Council person directed their attention to listening to the citizens who approached the podium to speak. Almost as if on que, when the first person approached the podium to address the Council, the entire Council(save one) saw this as the time to laugh & joke with their colleagues/or council aids, or check their emails, or even leave the podium while the speakers were trying to address the Council members. This type of behaviour from the Council members only reinforces what I have believed all along, they have no interest in hearing what we think, nor do they have any desire to regain the confidence of the Jefferson Parish public..

    So, I hope you are right and something is coming soon for various members of J.P. Government but, so far, it appears it’s business as usual in Jefferson Parish…

  9. Bunhare…I appreciate your sentiment & I applaud your efforts.
    I say we brainstorm a little & give these “wise guys” a little show they CAN’T IGNORE?
    I’m IN.

  10. I’ll just BET…..
    If someone went up to that podium & broke out sayin’ the rosary, all those sinful little Catholics on the council would instinctively drop to their knees & OPEN WIDE for their communion weiner…I mean wafer.
    I’m just sayin’.

  11. I just noticed that the article says that Thomas is offering this as a resolution.

    Notably, a resolution cannot be vetoed under the JP Code, which I did not realize.

    This obviously would very possibly be meant to block Young (should he care to) from vetoing it. On the other hand maybe this is a convenient out for Young.

  12. Talking about Harahan…how many of you out there know that the City of Harahan does not share in the revenue of produced by Treasure Chest…and is the only Government entity that doesn’t…Carlo Ferrara was Mayor during this time…check out who was on the Council…

  13. Roche : They are all in collusion. Roberts picks up Bonano who was canned by Young. Thomas the punk bully petty thief is unanimously anointed to Roberts seat and is sworn in by his good friend Tim Porteous and for more ‘in your face’ Butch Ward swears on his former Adminstrative Assistant Bill Townsend to Roberts spot. One hit man and one lackey-puppet. Win win for all of them. Seems the deal really was cut when Capella and Young buried the hatchet and Chehardy agreed to a sacrifice bunt. Remember, there was a hastily called confab between Chehardy and Connick at La Madeline’s in Elmwood back then which some of us opined was to stop am all-out gang war. JP bought and sold yet again. No surprise.

  14. Man, it just gets worse and worse:

    Mark D. Spears Jr. from the JP attorneys office (appointed to the RTA board by Byron Lee and Cappella) is running for Byron Lee’s spot. He is a proxy for Girod Jackson III, no?

    And now… in keeping with the title of this post… also running….

    Ricky Templet.

    Yes, the Templet family, in bed with the Marcellos (business wise) as previously discussed here.

    Honestly that whole rat’s nest needs an Okinawa style flamethrower, the sending the terrier into the hole approach just won’t cut it.


    Pass the Rebel Yell.

  15. And talking about the ‘token black’ in the JP Atty’s Office and heir apparent ‘Uncle Tom’ for the jerrymandered black seat on the Parish Council, we have this hot off the blog from The Jefferson Report:

    Making the Link: Lee and Spears
    June 29, 2011

    By A Jefferson Parish Reader
    From the Mailbag

    As you know, current Jefferson Parish 3rd District Councilman Byron Lee has squandered countless amounts of Jefferson Parish tax payer money that was to be used for 3rd District projects as well as discretionary funds from the River Birch landfill to aid in his own personal pleasure.
    Byron Lee

  16. I have been waiting for this day, some small business owner. George Peterson is a criminal Look up 24th Judicial District Court 648-532 “H” all public record. Mr. Peterson STOLE from his business partner and threatened employees with a gun to get his business started with ATM’s. He committed Fraud, Extortion, Theft, and Assault to start his “small business”. Are we going to let someone like this on Jefferson Parish Council?

  17. Gate, thanks for the swig.

    Last night Young and the council went back on their repeated promise to not make the Inspector General program based on a conditional tax. That was quite the back door job they pulled off there. They will never cop to it but I’m sure the theory all along was, wait for the waters to calm, the unrest to settle, the memories to lapse, and then argue that Young & Roberts have cleaned it all up, the council has done a fine job, other pro-ethics measures are in place, and that the JP voters don’t really need or want another unnecessary tax. They announed it less than two days before the vote; or rather Rainey did much to his credit (without that it would not have been announed at all). What a ___’ing joke.

    I certainly hope SOP is right about what is coming down, please let it begin, the time is ripe.

    From the comments under the Peterson TP announcement, rumors rumors:

    “Thetruth2424 June 30, 2011 at 6:50AM: I have been waiting for this day, some small business owner. Mr. Peterson is a criminal Look up 24th Judicial District Court 648-532 “H” all public record. Mr. Peterson STOLE from his business partner and threatened employees with a gun to get his business started with ATM’s. He committed Fraud, Extortion, Theft, and Assault to start his “small business”. Are we going to let someone like this on Jefferson Parish Council? Mr. Peterson does not want the truth out, but I am here to tell you. That is why he keeps alerting this message as inappropriate. As I said before, don’t take my word for it. Look it up yourself.”

    Another rumor is that Marc Morgan will “run” (ie be knighted) for Templet’s seat. And another rumor’s there about who Templet gave Tulane scholarships to, the family of a major campaign contributor. (I’m kind of surprised TheRiot or his daughter or son in law isn’t lined up for this job actually).

  18. Ha, and there’s The Truth now. Hey man, the truth has a home here, of that you can be sure.

  19. Since the truth is allowed here, we have more about George Peterson. Peterson was arrested for having his dogs attack neighbors. 2nd Parish Court case number “S1111025.” This took place on 2/19/2009. We do not need a criminal on the Jefferson Parish Council.

  20. The truth is you’re right … we don’t want or need another thug on the Council; we have enough already…However the ironic fact is that Peterson’s proclivity towards criminal conduct certainly makes him a qualified candidate !!!

  21. Everyone knows George Peterson asked Councilman Byron Lee to support him on May 6, 2011 after the Councilman’s annual senior luncheon. Now that Byron Lee is supporting Mark Spears, Peterson is trying to taint him. Truth be told Mark Spears is endorsed by many civic leaders, pastors, and elected officials because of his service to our community. Mark Spears does not have a criminal record like George Peterson being arrested for drugs and will make a fine Councilman with innovative ideas.

  22. Mark Spears working in the Parish Attorney’s office had no power to legislate anything as it relates to Mr. Bubbles carwash. The records show he attended meeting as it relates to that issue. Mark Spears was not the Councilman only serving in his duty as an Assistant Parish Attorney.

  23. thetruth2425: QUESTION

    Could you please tell us, the SlabbedNation, what was the disposition by DA Connick of the charges you cited in your previous comments ?

  24. Haha “thetruth2425” is far from it. You have no idea the power of this blog. This isn’t the slander comments, this is big dog status where the truth really does come out. This is way more than you can handle. First and foremost, lets expose you for who you really are. Ladies and Gentlemen, “thetruth2425” is none other than Mr. Byron Lee, er Derick Sheppard, er, Girod Jackson..edit: MARK SPEARS! Enough of the shenanigans and the lies you spew on, Mr. Spears. Did you enjoy that article on The Jefferson Report? Lol, you have me to thank for that 😀

    Let’s clear up the rumors and lies so we can sit and wait for Mr. Spears to come up with some new nonsense. The same tireless false claims are getting quite silly and tedious. Be a man and “keep it real”. 2nd Parish Court case number

  25. Mark Spears is in charge of hazing the new guys in his fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha. Spears spends all the tax payer dollars in strips clubs Friday nights at Little Darlings visiting his girlfriend Danielle Toups also known as Candy and at Scores she is known as Karma. She has a four year old son from Spears named Mark D. Toups. Byron Lee has been supporting her as well on behalf of Spears. Yes, Mark Spears is married. How do I know this, no comment. Just come to Little Darlings one Friday OR look up births at West Jefferson Hospital 2007 14 April for Mark D. Toups.

    1. David does the birth certificate list Spears as Mark’s father or has peternity otherwise been established? If so I’d like to see it.


  26. 3rd District of Jefferson Parish: Not only was Mark Spears campaigning while employed as an attorney in Parish Attorneys Office but he was running a private practice on the side and serving also as an attorney on the Regional Planning Commission; all violations of the Parish Attorneys Office ethics where attorneys are to be solely employed only with parish business.

    If Mark Spears had no respect for such Parish ethics can you expect anything different from him as a councilman.

  27. All of this talk about Spears, he isnt even qualified. He is CURRENTLY on payroll for the Attorneys Office and could care less what the ethics board says because no one is speaking up. I think its funny how we are trying to change Jefferson Parish and Pastor Donald Jones is running for office again. WE DO NO NEED OLD POLITICIANS BACK! Especially those who are operating their campaign with funds from the church member dues. Check the books!


  29. What ever happened to the bill CFGG was trying to get that was to take the retirement benefits away from those who have been convicted of felonies while in office, you could hear crickets chirp after they posed it. So when that didn’t work CFGG suggested that a current JP ordinance be used to sue and collect the loses to the public of those convicted of a felony while in office, once again you could hear crickets chirp. In JP if you vote for an incumbent you have no right to squawk !

    1. I run the CFGG email blasts on occasion. Worth pointing out is I have never run a Parish press release.

      I would hope Mr Letten continues to persue forfeiture just as he is doing in the Broussard payroll fraud case.


  30. Aren’t you forgetting Newell ‘Harry lee – Steven Siegal – Hale Boggs’Normand, his mouth piece Fortune For Me Fortunato & their band of Merrymen. This condescending, arragant a-hole only got his job from Lee as payback from Hale Boggs. So many under the table deals & passes. Most recent is his Maniac Major chasing a school bus with a frighten driver & children. They should make the Sheriff an appointed position & not a fiefdom for his yoke.

  31. I am Don Gardner’s son and I can personally testify to many of the accusations and general malfeasance in these comments. I will re-visit these comments and will answer any questions. Payback is a bitch!

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