4 thoughts on “BREAKING: We have a Magnum Alert!!!!!”

  1. An off topic ‘rabbit trail’:

    Any body know anything about a lawyer in the NOLA area named Danny Becnel (of some similar spelling) ?

    Pls tell me what you really know.

  2. HMMMM, He is a torts lawyer from LaPlace..made plenty of money on I think the tobacco suits and refinery, Kaiser explosions..Wife is a Judge in St. John the Baptist Parish..I think I saw him Friday eating shrimp at a Peavine Road boiled seafood house and talking “big time”.

  3. I don’t much care for “Danny Becnel” and those of his ilk. I sued him and others who have no moral compass (or a decidedly CRIMINAL moral compass) on February 25, 2008 in Civil Action No. 08-1127 and on October 23, 2008 in Civil Action No. 08-4728. For my efforts. and the things I pleaded in my lawsuits, I was DISBARED, which Becnel and those of his ilk continue to march. Also, my litigation was summarily dismissed, or closed “administratively” (whatever that means) by CROOKED individuals who wear black robes who are OWNED by the likes of Becnel and those of his ilk (and, yes, that includes Calvin – SPIT! – Fayard – SPIT! and Stanwood – SPIT! -Duval – SPIT!). Perhaps SOP will post my Complaints in ther referenced litigation(s), which remain as true today as when I filed them. “Danny” – SPIT! – “Becnel” – SPIT! Ashton O’Dwyer

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