It is clear that Becky Mowbray has lots of catching up to do……

Folks disappointed would be the word that describes my reaction to Becky Mowbray’s story that appeared in today’s T-P under the lede New Orleans area deserves better insurance options.  I’ll be so bold and suggest that Becky contact Paige St John at the Herald Tribune and Karen Clark, founder of AIR Worldwide because that story in today’s paper was a stinker on several levels IMHO.

The public outreach and education never ends folks.  😉


2 thoughts on “It is clear that Becky Mowbray has lots of catching up to do……”

  1. Becky does not always do enough research writing insurance stories. Her writing seems to be very superficial and lacking depth at times.

  2. Sop, point well made. Improved levees would have little impact on the regular insurance market since so few property polices include Flood. I kind of lost the point of the article.

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