Guilt by association: John Young fires Jefferson Parish purchasing director Patti Lasalle

My sources in Parish government indicate Lasalle actually did a very good job for the Parish running the purchasing department.  The problem is that she is sister to Charlotte Burnell. Ms Burnell may well be a bad actor in the Redflex portion of the political corruption scandal but this termination due to relations is not going over well with our chirpin’ birdies.

There still remains dead workers walking at Yenni.


2 thoughts on “Guilt by association: John Young fires Jefferson Parish purchasing director Patti Lasalle”

  1. Believe there was some BAD BLOOD between Gwen Bolotte and Lasalle. IDK but sounded like Lasalle knew more about finance than Bolotte but Bolotte had the better connections ( despite or because of Burnell) and got the top spot, all that pre-dated Red Light stuff. Some of these feuds go WAY back ( Hatfield and McCoys type of things) and the players are using the present-day axe-ings to get back. IMHO.

  2. It was reported here on Feb.25,2010 that theriot was to audit the Reflex contract. What the crap ever happened to that audit freakin stevie wonder .was it too hot for you. John you looking good man trying to distance yourself from La Salle’s sister Ms Burnell but can you distance yourself from judge Murphy before the hammer falls.

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